Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Racism in this country is completely out of hand.  It is people of all color.  Every time something does not go the way someone thinks it should, the race card is thrown into the mix.  Minnesota Vikings Running Back Adrian Peterson referred to the NFL talks of 2011 as “Modern Day Slavery” This man made TEN MILLION DOLLARS! (1)  I do not think he knows the meaning of the word slavery.  I don't recall any slave making 10 million dollars.  It is the attitude of the man holding you down.  Oh shut up!  No one is holding you down.  You are no better than me.  I wouldn't pay you another dime.  If you can't live your life on 10 million, then you have a problem, and are not responsible enough to be a role model or play the game.  You are not the owner.  If the owner wants to only pay you one million you should be happy.  Which by the way you should feel lucky to get.
I personally have been called a racist, and I am the least racist person I know.  I don't believe in the color of skin.  I believe in making a decision on whether you are an asshole or not.  Just because I think you are an asshole does not make me a racist.  No matter the color of your skin. 
Another case of where racism was thrown into the mix was when an 11 year old girl was gang raped by 18 men in Texas. (2) First of all, she was blamed, and second of all, community leaders said the men were targeted because they were black.  It had nothing to do with the fact that they were on tape raping this child.   It had nothing to do with the fact that they committed a heinous crime against a child.  They said they had a right to have sex with her because she asked for it. I don't care if she was walking around naked, she is 11.  These men had no right to touch this child.   It goes back to my point. I don't think you're a disgusting pig and a sorry excuse for a human being because of the color of your skin.  I think you're a disgusting pig and a sorry excuse for a human being because you're a vile asshole.  See the difference?
Yes, there are racists out there.  No, there should be no racism.  But there is.  And it is a part of America's History, just like slavery is a part of our country's history.  But, I did not have anything to do with it.  My mother had nothing to do with it.  My grandfather had nothing to do with it.  Stop blaming me for it.  You were not a slave.  Your mother was not a slave.  Am I sorry it is a part of our country's history?  Yes.  And I am not saying forget about it.  I am saying move on and make your life better.  Stop using it as a crutch to hold yourself down and make something of yourself because you are a good person.  America does not owe you.  America owed the actual slaves.  You were not one of them.  If you fail in today's society, then it is your fault.  It is not racisms fault.  It is not slavery's fault.  It is not the my fault.  Women have to work just has hard if not harder than you do.  It's called discrimination.  Not racism.  There is a difference. Now you can get over it!

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