Thursday, September 8, 2011


First of all, let me say I am not a professional writer. I am a wife and mother of two children.  I have not always been the perfect parent, and I have even had one of my children inform me at times that I have ruined her life.  But at the same time that child will still say “Yes ma’am and no Ma’am.”  So, even though she feels at times I ruined her life, she still shows respect. She also shows respect to authority.  If that is ruining a child’s life, then so be it.  I can live with that.
 I just call things like I see them on a variety of topics.  Usually I take to the Internet for my rants, because I think there are some things people need to be told.  It is kind of like the deliverer of bad news.  Someone has to tell you and no one wants to.  Well, I will.  Right now, we as humans are in a lot of trouble and we are imploding.  It is time to change our way of thinking before it is too late.  If you keep reading, then thank you.  If you don’t, then maybe you should consider coming back and then work on the things you found offensive, because chances are, I was talking about you!
I am not here to tell you what you are doing wrong.  It is more like I am here to give my opinion of what I see is wrong in the world.  I am on the inside looking out and these are just the things I see.  If you fall into any of the categories, then look inside yourself and see what you can change, if it makes sense to you.  If it doesn’t make sense, then that is something you will have to be able to deal with on your own.