Friday, September 9, 2011

Health Care Homelessness and Hell

Oh where to start on healthcare?  We have a government which is trying to demand that I be covered in an economy where people can’t even afford more than half a tank of gas at one time.  It costs more to fill up your tank than it does to pay your mortgage, and we have to come up with even more money, yet they get free healthcare for life because they are in the Legislature.  I have an idea; how about you offer the same insurance you have to the uninsured.  I mean, we are already paying for it anyway.  Yet we have no access to it.  Sounds like you are ripping me off.  Oh wait.  That is the Government for you. 
We have United States Veterans who are living on the street, and they cannot get health care.  Yet our legislators have free health care.  If there is any group of individuals in this country who have the RIGHT to free health care it is our men and women who have put their lives on the line and fought for our country.   Not some legislator who sits in his big comfy office and lives off the people who had to put them there in the first place. 
We have veterans who are going hungry at night, because there is nothing to eat.  Yet, our politicians have 3 meals a day if they want it.  I know that some of those meals, we pay for.  I am sorry, but I want my money to go to that homeless vet who is sleeping on the street tonight.  Not to a millionaire who can afford to go buy themselves a nice hot meal.
We have children who are sleeping on the streets, and I don’t see anyone in political office out making sure that child has a warm meal tonight.  I don’t see them taking any money out of their pocket and going down to the local pizza joint and buying a pizza for the family that is living in their car now because their ex employer decided to leave a company to their kids who have never worked a day in their lives and ran it into the ground in a month. 
It looks like everything comes full circle in the end.  It looks like we are going back to the respect issue, and if we had any, these problems wouldn’t exist in the first place. 
Why do we tolerate any of this?  When did it become the norm?  When did we decide that it was okay to look the other way, and if it is not in my back yard, then it does not matter?  When did we decide that it would be a lot easier to close the drapes and close our ears, and if we do that, then the problems do not exist?  It sounds to me like that is the cowards way out.  We have to start taking care of our own.  Those that are innocent and defenseless and those who have fought for us to remain free need to be at the top of the list.  
You say we cannot afford it.  But we can afford to make sure millionaires have free health care through the government?  If we can give that to Washington DC, then we can give the same thing to our Veterans and our Children. 
We have places like St. Judes and All Children’s Hospitals, for children with life threatening illnesses.  They do not charge, and I know all staff employed there are there because they love their job.  They are not there because of a paycheck.  They are there because they have a heart and they care.  They are there because they want to be there.  That is the difference.
Why do we not then have the same system in place for our veterans?  And I am not talking about the VA.  I am talking about places with the same procedures in place for our veterans that we have for our children.  Our Veterans have to pay to stay well.  Our veterans deserve better than this.  If we have a President who has never served in the military, who has a right to healthcare, and insurance for the rest of his or her life, then our Veterans deserve the same thing.  Our Veterans deserve it before the President who has never served does.
We have millionaires who donate money to foreign countries to help build health care facilities.  Why can’t they build health care facilities here for our citizens who are fighting cancer and the care is free?  Why can’t they build health care facilities, for our vets so they no longer have to worry?  Why can’t they supply the same care at the same price as they do in other countries?   The cost of the same medication here is three times as much as it is in a third world country. 
Now, you can use the argument that our politicians have worked hard to get where they are, and they have achieved the American Dream on their own.  Don’t they deserve it?  Well, sure they do.  That is if they were in a country that was thriving and not in a position where everyone has to scrimp and save to the bare knuckle bones, and still barely make it by the skin of their teeth, IF they do make it in the first place.  But, that is not the case in this country, and while we are expected to cut back, and worry about where the next meal for our children is going to come from, they are still spending OUR money like it is blowing in the wind, and there is nothing we can do about it. If they were making an effort to cut their own house back, it would not be an issue, but they aren’t, so it is.  
So, where does the hell come in?  Is it not obvious?  We have children and our defenders of freedom living it every day of the year.   The hell is, all we do is turn away from it and continue to let it happen.  If that is not hell, then I don’t know what is.  We should be ashamed of ourselves and our fellow Americans to allow it to get this far.
Here comes another circle.  It is called responsibility.  And sadly, responsibility is something that is lacking in the world today.  If we had it, this country would not be in the situation it is now. 

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