Friday, September 9, 2011

God and Mother Nature

People always warn against getting into a discussion about Politics and Religion.  Well, I am covering both.   There are people out there who want to take God out of schools, they want God taken off of our currency, and they want God taken out of life in general.  In the last 60 years we have lost God in so many aspects of our lives.  Also in the last 60 years we have had more natural disasters than any other time in history.  Has no one stopped to think, that maybe this is related?  Mother Nature is God.  And Mother Nature is pissed off.  Think about it.  The Japanese do not believe in God and they were struck with one of the worst Natural Disasters in History, and it has been continuous.  The United States has people who are trying to take God out of everything, and we are being destroyed by Mother Nature.  Yet people dismiss this correlation. We are screwing ourselves to be politically correct so we do not hurt someone’s feelings.   The United States is a Christian Nation. You have the right here to practice any religion you want freely.  Remember the Constitution?  If you don’t like it, then go to a country that will let you practice what you want to.  The borders are open.  You can leave as easily as you can come.  Don’t let the boarder hit you in the ass when you leave.  There should never be an issue with religion in this country.  There should never be someone saying, “No you cannot do this in the United States.”  Yet, we have the Supreme Court with no balls to stand up and say enough is enough.  With every ruling given against religion, they are going against the Constitution.  And we as a Nation have become so complacent that we will not use our voices to do something about it.  Why not?  We have the freedom of speech.  We have the right to speak up, but no one wants to rock the boat on something that is so important in this country.  Mother Nature is one avenue God has to show his displeasure with our actions.  If we put God back where he belongs, then we might just solve the problem with the natural disasters.
Then we have atheists.  They have just as much right not to believe in God, as I have to believe.  Yet when those of us that do believe, openly share our beliefs, atheists are offended.  If you don’t believe, then don’t listen.  Leave the room.  You have that right.  But instead, atheists get in a huff, and scream that we are forcing our religion on them.  Not once have I heard of an atheist held prisoner and had the Bible shoved down their throats.  Yet, we have to shut up because they are hurt.  That seems to me like it is calling the kettle black.  I can tell you not to practice, but you can’t tell me to practice. You know what?  Shut the hell up.  Oh sorry, you don’t believe in hell.  My mistake.

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