Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Update on Kaydence.

This precious baby has had brain surgery to relieve pressure.  Here is an update from her grandmother.

::UPDATE:: I had a long talk with the neurologiest today. Here is what we are looking at. Not all but most of the right side of K's brain is dead. It will not come back as she gets older. What is good can still grow. In the case of small children or infants, sometimes the left side of the brain can make up for the loss. However there is a small area on her left side of brain that has deep damage. We do not know how this will affect her as she gets older or how much the left side can make up for the right side. We are looking at mild mental disability to servere mental disablity. She is pretty much out of the woods now as he says he see's her surviving this. There are some very good signs here, she continues to respond to light,touch,voices,pain. When not on heavy sedation, she follows us with her eyes. I have seen once when the meds were low she was THERE behind those eyes. They are now slowly taking her off all the things she is hooked up to and responding positively to eash one. God has gifted K to us twice and continues to heal her with his power. She has fought so hard to get where she is now and I dont see her stopping anytime soon! This is one tough cookie for a grandchild I have. I am very proud of her! With God, prayers and her persitence we can give her everything she needs to thrive. Thank you again for all your prayers and please keep them coming!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We have a little girl who needs some prayers.  Her name is Kaydence.  She is in the hospital with Shaken Baby Syndrome and her father is being held on 500K bond.  Her CT scan showed dead brain tissue on the left, but she has opened her eyes for the first time, and she has not had a seizure in over 24 hours.  Please say a prayer for this precious 9 week old child.  Thank you.…

Thursday, September 29, 2011


 If our homeless vets and abused children had the fire and backing of the holier than thou do gooder it wasnt MJ's fault even though he was a grown man capable of making his own decisions, and knew the risks of being an addict supporters, we would have no homeless vets or abused children in this country. Oh damn, I forgot, people are not supposed to be responsible for the actions that kill them. Someone else was responsible. DUH!! Was Murray negligent? yes - CIVILLY... MJ Knew what could happen.. That It wont happen to me menatlity can be a bitch sometimes.  Just sayin'

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Just this morning I have seen at least a half dozen references to Gays on Facebook.  One was a question, and the other ones were intolerance and bashing.  What makes you better?  What makes you above everyone else who is not like you?  Absolutely nothing.  In actuality, it shows that you are worse than those you condemn.  And you want to use God in the equation, then remember that the bible also says Judge not, and love thy neighbor.  The Bible is not up for pick and choose which passage you want to abide by.  It is take it all or nothing.  Remember that the next time you decide you are going to throw that first stone.  Because you never know when it might bounce off that glass house you are throwing it at and hit you right in the forehead.  (Make sure there is video when it does.  I love to see Karma at work.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Helping other countries

This country has always been one of the first countries to step up to the plate with millions of dollars at a time for relief when there is a disaster.  But we cannot continue to do it at this time.   We are bursting at the seams today.  We cannot feed and clothe so many of our own people, let alone citizens of other country.  We have done it for so long, and we have stars that will hold telethons to help other countries during these disasters.  They raise millions of dollars at a time.  But when Nashville was devastated by the floods, where were the national telethons?  Why didn’t the television stations come together and raise money like they do for other countries?  These are our own people and the stars turned their backs on us. They may have donated personally, but if it had been a Haiti situation, they would have been all over the airwaves. 
We allow ourselves to care for other countries, but we cannot care for our own.   Where are the fundraisers to help feed our children, and vets?  We need to put the focus back on the United States, and help our people before we send any more money over to another country.  The “Aid Bank” needs to be shut down and we need to get our house in order before we send another dime across the border.  I am sorry if other countries do not understand, but we just can’t afford it anymore. 
We rallied as a country during 9/11.  We helped our fellow Americans like never before.  This should be the attitude during any disaster on our own soil.


Oh the Internet.  This is one subject I cannot talk about without in the process, giving you the information you need to better protect your kids.  This is a topic I am passionate about and believe every parent should be skilled in. The Internet is such a wonderful invention, and in today’s society, it is hard to do anything without it in some capacity. Kids have to have access for school, and even for filling out applications for jobs.  Kids are on social networking sites, and they play games online.  You have to remember, there is the downside.  Parents, please, know what your kids do online.  We have so many kids who are allowed to roam free with no supervision and it is costing them more than you can imagine.  Many parents have the “My kid would never do that attitude.”  Guess what?  Yes they will.  It is called being a teenager.  You have to be involved.  You have to know what to look for.  You have to ask questions.  When we have one in seven kids being solicited online, there is a problem.  I want you to look at your kids, and their friends, and I want you to get seven of them in a room with you.  Then I want you to decide which one of those kids you are going to sacrifice to a predator.  Whether you want to believe it or not, it will happen to one of them.  There are so many parents who do not have the option anymore of knowing what their child is doing when they are online.  There are so many parents out there who have had a child who has been “damaged” by an internet predator, or even worse, killed.  If you want to trust your child online, fine.  Don’t trust who is on the other side of that monitor. 
Look at it this way.  Would you allow your 13 year old to go to France by themselves with no supervision?  Probably not.  Why not?  Because it is a strange place filled with strange people you do not know.  Then why would you allow your child unsupervised in the one place where there are no faces with the names?  Why would you allow your child in the one place unsupervised where anyone can be who they want to be, and hide behind a mask that is the monitor?

Protesting Soldiers Funerals

We have thousands of our men and women who are deployed overseas, fighting a war we did not start.  These brave warriors are fighting so we will be able to keep the freedoms our enemies would like to destroy.
We have the right in this country of the freedom of speech.  Unfortunately, there are groups, such as Westboro Baptist Church who have decided to use that basic freedom, to protest funerals of our men and women who do not make it back from the war.  If it were not for the military, they would not have the freedoms they have.  It is pathetic, when we have a rogue group who is allowed to spew hate, and the Supreme Court has upheld this.   When is the Supreme Court going to uphold this country as a whole?  When are they going to take into consideration what is best for the majority? Every city these people go to should refuse them service for everything from gas to food.  They have the freedom to disgrace our military, and we have the freedom to refuse them any comforts when they are protesting. 


We are a country that is known as a melting pot.  We have all races, all religions, and all countries, with people who want to call our Great Nation home.  We have a Military that lays down their lives for us so we can continue to be the greatest nation in the world.  We have men women and children who become citizens, because they want to fight for the American Dream. 
Then we have those who are sneaking into this country, and they are here illegally.  These individuals are milking the system that is SUPPOSED to be in place to help OUR citizens.  We cannot afford it.   We have illegal individuals who are allowed to get a driver’s license in this country.  Why is that?  We have illegal individuals who are allowed to receive Medicaid and food stamps, and health care.  We cannot afford it anymore.  We have our legal citizens who are literally fighting for their lives in this day and age, and they can’t get help.
If a Law Enforcement officer pulls over an illegal individual for breaking a traffic law in this country, they are not allowed to send them back. If they call ICE and they cannot take them at the time, they have to let them go.  It is my opinion that they should be allowed to give them a first class escort back to the border they came from, and give them a nice swift push back over the border.  They are here destroying a system that is being bled dry at an alarming rate, and we cannot afford it anymore.  If you want to come to MY country, then you had better be ready to take the test and become a citizen.  If you are not willing to do that, then don’t come over here in the first place.  You are destroying MY country and I don’t like it.  We cannot afford to support another country’s citizens anymore.  If you are from another country, and you want to enjoy our benefits of becoming a citizen, you have a right to do that and we give you the avenue to do so.  You need to be willing to learn the English language fluently also and not expect me to learn yours.  You are here in America and our National Language is English.  If we were to go to France, or Italy, or Germany, or any other foreign country, we are expected to learn their language.  There is no other country in the world that makes the concessions the United States has made over the past few decades, just so we don’t hurt someone’s feelings.  It is absurd.   My country is a wonderful country, and my military does not fight for our rights so you can come over here and destroy those rights.  You have two choices in the end if you are here illegally.  Make it legal, or get the hell out. There should be no other options. 
If you are in our prison system, you need to be deported immediately.  Why should I pay for you to get free health care and you have no right to be here.  You committed a crime, and now MY government is bearing the cost for your incarceration.  In 2004, there were over 49,000 criminal aliens in the US prison system.  Those aliens cost us 5.8 BILLION for the years 2001-2004.  Why should the US citizens have to shoulder that burden of the cost of housing you, feeding you and taking care of your needs when you have no RIGHT to be here in the first place?  Go home, and let your country handle you in the way they see fit.  You should not be our responsibility. 
I am sorry, but we cannot help ourselves.  We should not be required to help you.  Our legal citizens need to be put first again, and we need to finally say that we do not care that you don’t like it anymore. 

Prisons and Authority

So, we have a prison over population, and no one knows the solution.  First of all it goes back to teaching your children respect and integrity.  If they had that, as adults they would not be breaking the law.  Problem solved.  Second of all, we have one of the highest prison populations in the world, so, I have a few solutions. 
1.) If you kill someone, and there is at least one witness that you committed the murder, and you are convicted, you get a one way pass to the front of the line on death row.  We as law abiding citizens should not have to pay for you to live with free health care, and you don’t have to pay a mortgage, or electric bill, or car payment.  You took a life.  You don’t deserve to have yours.  If the ACLU gets involved and they want to say it is cruel and unusual punishment, they need to be locked out.  Cruel and unusual punishment is the individual who sat there begging for her life for two minutes before the ex-boyfriend blew her face off.  Yet, the ACLU does not stand up and fight for that victim who no longer has a voice. 
2.) If you are in prison for drugs, then you go to rehab.  You will go until you are clean. I don’t care if it is two months or two years.  In the end it will be cheaper than keeping you in prison for your sentence.  Then, after you are done with your rehab, the government will train you and hire you to work as a counselor for other drug addicts.  And you will pay it back by getting others clean. You want to do the drugs; you are going to pay a debt to society that has a positive influence instead of living off of my money. 
3.)  If you are in prison because of gang activity, we need to pull you out.  We need to buy an island, and give the gang members a one way trip to paradise.  They can take their guns, and we will give you a fishing pole.  Have at it.  The ACLU cannot say that is cruel and unusual punishment.  Since when is Island life cruel and unusual punishment?  So, they have their guns.  They can make the choice to work together, or they can make the choice to blow each other’s brains out.  If they choose the latter, then so be it.  It is not like they would not be doing that on the streets of America anyway.  At least this way, an innocent life will not be taken in the crossfire.   If they choose not to make the best out of a possible idyllic situation, then that is their decision.   The best part is you are not living off of me.  I chose to obey the law.  I chose to live my life in a good way.  You didn’t.  Deal with the consequences.
4.) If you are a sex offender, we will have another island for you.  You do not deserve to be in a place where you can watch TV, and get a hot shower, or 3 meals a day, and health care.   If you still have the urge to rape someone while you are on that island, then have at it.   Once again, the ACLU cannot say this is cruel and unusual punishment.  You have access to an unlimited supply of food.  What is so cruel about that?   Remember our children and our Veterans who are sleeping on the sidewalk every night?  That is cruel and unusual punishment. 
Sex Offenders come from all walks of life. They will have all the personnel they will need to be able to survive.  You will not have any laws to live by.  You want to be an animal, then have at it.  You no longer deserve to be in the same country as I am.  You lost that right when you decided to rape another human being. 
So, now we have gotten rid of the drug dealers, the gang members, the murderers and the rapists.  We now no longer have an overpopulation problem in prison.  It is quite simple.  And once again, to the ACLU, please do us all a favor, and go sit in the corner and eat your cookies.  As far as I am concerned, the ACLU should be disbanded anyway because all they ever do is defend criminals who broke the law.   How about defending the vets and children who are being abused in this country?  Make yourself useful, and do something good. 


I have had many people tell me I should get into politics.  I would love to.   If I did, I am sure I would piss a lot of people off and make a lot of enemies.   One thing I do know is that I have integrity, and I cannot be bought. If I believe in it, then I will fight for it.  If I don’t, you will not change my mind.  If I were to hold office, I would do what is best for my child’s future, and if it is something that in the end, I do not think would benefit my child, it would not get my vote.  Plain and simple.  If I would want it for my child, and to make her life better, then it is something I would want for your child as well.  We need to start getting politicians in office who care about the future, and look at the laws this way.  Instead of looking out for what benefits the rich, we need to start looking out for what benefits the future.  We need people in office who care about the future and not the now.  We need people in office who care about the world their grandchildren are going to grow up in.  Some say it may be too late to fix this country.  I cannot believe that.  We may be getting close to that point, but we are not there yet.  I am not in a position to change things. But those that are need to start because our future depends on them.
We have elections in this country, and unfortunately, it seems that we have a choice between “the lesser of two evils” for the most part.  Most politicians are already millionaires, or close to it.  Most politicians have the “powers that be,” in their back pockets.  Most politicians are pulling in a one hundred thousand plus salary a year.  Our country is in a financial mess, yet they are entitled to their bonuses and their pay raises, which they give themselves.  Does this make sense?  They are already far richer than the average American, yet we are working to provide them an outrageous salary which we can’t afford to pay them in the first place.  We cannot afford their $10,000.00 desk they sit behind.  We cannot afford those drapes which cost $5,000.00.  We cannot afford the lifestyle that holding office has come to call for.  And unfortunately, this is what our taxes go toward.  This country is on the brink of financial disaster, and they keep spending. 
If the average Joe were to try to get into office, he or she would not stand a chance.  The fees for filing are meant for the millionaires in office already to be able to pay.  The process is meant for the rich, and to keep the average and poor out of the loop.  In this day and age, the rich do not represent the majority of the American People. 
The sad thing is, we have no one to blame for ourselves, because we allowed it to happen.  Don’t worry; I am not done with Politicians. 


Racism in this country is completely out of hand.  It is people of all color.  Every time something does not go the way someone thinks it should, the race card is thrown into the mix.  Minnesota Vikings Running Back Adrian Peterson referred to the NFL talks of 2011 as “Modern Day Slavery” This man made TEN MILLION DOLLARS! (1)  I do not think he knows the meaning of the word slavery.  I don't recall any slave making 10 million dollars.  It is the attitude of the man holding you down.  Oh shut up!  No one is holding you down.  You are no better than me.  I wouldn't pay you another dime.  If you can't live your life on 10 million, then you have a problem, and are not responsible enough to be a role model or play the game.  You are not the owner.  If the owner wants to only pay you one million you should be happy.  Which by the way you should feel lucky to get.
I personally have been called a racist, and I am the least racist person I know.  I don't believe in the color of skin.  I believe in making a decision on whether you are an asshole or not.  Just because I think you are an asshole does not make me a racist.  No matter the color of your skin. 
Another case of where racism was thrown into the mix was when an 11 year old girl was gang raped by 18 men in Texas. (2) First of all, she was blamed, and second of all, community leaders said the men were targeted because they were black.  It had nothing to do with the fact that they were on tape raping this child.   It had nothing to do with the fact that they committed a heinous crime against a child.  They said they had a right to have sex with her because she asked for it. I don't care if she was walking around naked, she is 11.  These men had no right to touch this child.   It goes back to my point. I don't think you're a disgusting pig and a sorry excuse for a human being because of the color of your skin.  I think you're a disgusting pig and a sorry excuse for a human being because you're a vile asshole.  See the difference?
Yes, there are racists out there.  No, there should be no racism.  But there is.  And it is a part of America's History, just like slavery is a part of our country's history.  But, I did not have anything to do with it.  My mother had nothing to do with it.  My grandfather had nothing to do with it.  Stop blaming me for it.  You were not a slave.  Your mother was not a slave.  Am I sorry it is a part of our country's history?  Yes.  And I am not saying forget about it.  I am saying move on and make your life better.  Stop using it as a crutch to hold yourself down and make something of yourself because you are a good person.  America does not owe you.  America owed the actual slaves.  You were not one of them.  If you fail in today's society, then it is your fault.  It is not racisms fault.  It is not slavery's fault.  It is not the my fault.  Women have to work just has hard if not harder than you do.  It's called discrimination.  Not racism.  There is a difference. Now you can get over it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


The overall death toll from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks stands at 2,977 -- including 2,753 killed as a result of the attacks at the World Trade Center, 184 at the Pentagon and 40 in the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. The death toll does not include the 19 hijackers aboard the four jetliners.

The list includes the victims' names, ages and hometowns, if available; employers or other affiliations of victims at the World Trade Center; and the sites of their deaths.

Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr., 32, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Edelmiro Abad, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Marie Rose Abad, 49, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrew Anthony Abate, 37, Melville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vincent Paul Abate, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Laurence Christopher Abel, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alona Abraham, 30, Ashdod, Israel, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

William F. Abrahamson, 55, Westchester County, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard Anthony Aceto, 42, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann, 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Paul Acquaviva, 29, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christian Adams, 37, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Donald LaRoy Adams, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Patrick Adams, 61, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.

Shannon Lewis Adams, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen George Adams, 51, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Ignatius Udo Adanga, 62, Bronx, N.Y., New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, World Trade Center.

Christy A. Addamo, 28, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Terence Edward Adderley, Jr., 22, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sophia B. Addo, 36, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Lee Adler, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel Thomas Afflitto, 32, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah, 37, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Alok Agarwal, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mukul Kumar Agarwala, 37, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Joseph Agnello, 35, Belle Harbor, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Scott Agnes, 46, Port Washington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joao Alberto da Fonseca Aguiar, Jr., 30, Hoboken, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian G. Ahearn, 43, Huntington, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jeremiah Joseph Ahern, 74, New Jersey, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Joanne Marie Ahladiotis, 27, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Shabbir Ahmed, 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Terrance Andre Aiken, 30, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Godwin O. Ajala, 33, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center, died 9/15/01.

Trudi M. Alagero, 37, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrew Alameno, 37, Westfield, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Margaret Ann Alario, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Gary M. Albero, 39, Emerson, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jon Leslie Albert, 46, Upper Nyack, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Peter Craig Alderman, 25, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.

Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge-Frederick, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David D. Alger, 57, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ernest Alikakos, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Edward L. Allegretto, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Eric Allen, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Ryan Allen, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Dennis Allen, 31, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Richard L. Allen, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher E. Allingham, 36, River Edge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anna S. W. Allison, 48, Stoneham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Janet Marie Alonso, 41, Stony Point, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anthony Alvarado, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Antonio Javier Alvarez, 23, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Victoria Alvarez-Brito, 38, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Telmo E. Alvear, 25, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Cesar Amoranto Alviar, 60, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Tariq Amanullah, 40, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Angelo Amaranto, 60, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

James M. Amato, 43, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Amatuccio, 41, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Paul W. Ambrose, 32, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Christopher Charles Amoroso, 29, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Craig Scott Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Kazuhiro Anai, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y., Nishi-Nippon Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Calixto Anaya, Jr., 35, Suffern, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph P. Anchundia, 26, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Kermit Charles Anderson, 57, Green Brook, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Yvette Constance Anderson, 53, New York City, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

John Jack Andreacchio, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Michael Rourke Andrews, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jean Ann Andrucki, 43, Hoboken, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Siew-Nya Ang, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Angelini, Sr., 63, Lindenhurst, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph John Angelini, Jr., 38, Lindenhurst, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Lawrence Angell, 54, Providence, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Mary Lynn Edwards Angell, 52, Cape Cod, Mass. and Pasadena, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Laura Angilletta, 23, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Doreen J. Angrisani, 44, Ridgewood, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lorraine Antigua, 32, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Seima David Aoyama, 48, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Peter Paul Apollo, 26, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Faustino Apostol, Jr., 55, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Patrick Michael Aranyos, 26, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

David Gregory Arce, 36, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael George Arczynski, 45, New Jersey, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Louis Arena, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Barbara Jean Arestegui, 38, Marstons Mills, Mass. and Hawthorne, Calif., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Adam P. Arias, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Michael J. Armstrong, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jack Charles Aron, 52, Bergenfield, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joshua Todd Aron, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Avery Aronow, 48, Mahwah, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Myra Joy Aronson, 50, Charlestown, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Japhet Jesse Aryee, 49, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Carl Francis Asaro, 37, Middletown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael A. Asciak, 47, Ridgefield, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Edward Asher, 53, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Janice Marie Ashley, 25, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas J. Ashton, 21, Woodside, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan contractor from Denino Electric Construction Corp., International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Manuel O. Asitimbay, 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Gregg A. Atlas, 44, Howells, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gerald Thomas Atwood, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

James Audiffred, 38, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Louis F. Aversano, Jr., 58, Manalapan, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ezra Aviles, 41, Commack, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Sandy Ayala, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Arlene T. Babakitis, 47, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Eustace R. Bacchus, 48, Metuchen, N.J., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.

John J. Badagliacca, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jane Ellen Baeszler, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert J. Baierwalter, 44, Albertson, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from FM Global, World Trade Center.

Andrew J. Bailey, 29, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brett T. Bailey, 28, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Garnet Ace Bailey, 53, Lynnfield, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Tatyana Bakalinskaya, 43, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Michael S. Baksh, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sharon M. Balkcom, 43, White Plains, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Andrew Bane, 33, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Katherine Bantis, 44, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gerard Baptiste, 35, Riverdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Walter Baran, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Gerard A. Barbara, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul Vincent Barbaro, 35, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James William Barbella, 53, Oceanside, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Victor Daniel Barbosa, 23, Bronx, N.Y., Top of the World, World Trade Center.

Christine Johnna Barbuto, 32, Brookline, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Colleen Ann Barkow, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Michael Barkway, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald visitor, World Trade Center.

Matthew Barnes, 37, Monroe, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Virginia, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Sheila Patricia Barnes, 55, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Evan Jay Baron, 38, Bridgewater, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Renee Barrett-Arjune, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center, died 10/14/01.

Arthur Thaddeus Barry, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Diane G. Barry, 60, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Maurice Vincent Barry, 48, Rutherford, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Scott D. Bart, 28, Malverne, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Carlton W. Bartels, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Guy Barzvi, 29, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Inna B. Basina, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alysia Christine Burton Basmajian, 23, Bayonne, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kenneth William Basnicki, 48, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from BEA Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Steven Joseph Bates, 42, Glendale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul James Battaglia, 22, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

W. David Bauer, 45, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista, 24, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Marlyn Capito Bautista, 46, Iselin, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mark Lawrence Bavis, 31, Roslindale, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Jasper Baxter, 45, Lee Hecht Harrison, World Trade Center.

Lorraine G. Bay, 58, East Windsor, N.J., Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Michele Beale, 38, Essex, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Todd M. Beamer, 32, Cranbury, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Paul Frederick Beatini, 40, Park Ridge, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Jane S. Beatty, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alan Anthony Beaven, 48, Oakland, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Lawrence Ira Beck, 38, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Manette Marie Beckles, 43, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Carl John Bedigian, 35, College Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Ernest Beekman, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York Stock Exchange, World Trade Center.

Maria A. Behr, 41, Milford, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Max J. Beilke, 69, Laurel, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Yelena Belilovsky, 38, Mamaroneck, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nina Patrice Bell, 39, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Debbie S. Bellows, 31, East Windsor, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen Elliot Belson, 51, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul M. Benedetti, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Denise Lenore Benedetto, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Bryan Craig Bennett, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Eric L. Bennett, 29, Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Oliver Bennett, 29, New York, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Margaret L. Benson, 52, Rockaway, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Dominick J. Berardi, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Patrick Berger, 44, Yardley, Pa., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Steven Howard Berger, 45, Manalapan, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

John P. Bergin, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alvin Bergsohn, 48, Baldwin Harbor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel David Bergstein, 38, Teaneck, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Graham Andrew Berkeley, 37, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Michael J. Berkeley, 38, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.

Donna M. Bernaerts, 44, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

David W. Bernard, 57, Chelmsford, Mass., World Trade Center, died 12/11/01.

William H. Bernstein, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David M. Berray, 39, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference, World Trade Center.

David Shelby Berry, 43, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph John Berry, 55, Saddle River, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

William Reed Bethke, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Yeneneh Betru, 35, Burbank, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Timothy D. Betterly, 42, Little Silver, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Carolyn Mayer Beug, 48, Santa Monica, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Edward Frank Beyea, 42, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Paul Michael Beyer, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Anil Tahilram Bharvaney, 41, New Jersey, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Instinet, Inc., World Trade Center.

Bella J. Bhukhan, 24, Union, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William G. Biggart, 54, New York City, World Trade Center.

Brian Eugene Bilcher, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mark Bingham, 31, New York City, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Carl Vincent Bini, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gary Eugene Bird, 51, Tempe, Ariz., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George John Bishop, 52, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, Md., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Jeffrey Donald Bittner, 27, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Albert Balewa Blackman, Jr., 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher Joseph Blackwell, 42, Patterson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carrie Rosetta Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Susan Leigh Blair, 35, East Brunswick, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Harry Blanding, Jr., 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Janice Lee Blaney, 55, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Craig Michael Blass, 27, Greenlawn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rita Blau, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Richard Middleton Blood, Jr., 38, Ridgewood, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Andrew Boccardi, 30, Bronxville, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Paul Bocchi, 38, New Vernon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael L. Bocchino, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Susan M. Bochino, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Deora Frances Bodley, 20, Santa Clara, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Bruce Douglas Boehm, 49, West Hempstead, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nicholas Andrew Bogdan, 34, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Darren Christopher Bohan, 34, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lawrence Francis Boisseau, 36, World Trade Center Fire Safety, World Trade Center.

Vincent M. Boland, Jr., 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Touri Hamzavi Bolourchi, 62, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Alan Bondarenko, 53, Raritan, N.J., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Andre Bonheur, Jr., 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.

Colin Arthur Bonnett, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Frank J. Bonomo, 42, Port Jefferson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Yvonne Lucia Bonomo, 30, Jackson Heights, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Sean Booker, Sr., 35, Newark, N.J., Xerox Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kelly Ann Booms, 24, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Canfield D. Boone, United States Army, Pentagon.

Mary Jane Booth, 64, Falls Church, Va., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Sherry Ann Bordeaux, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Krystine Bordenabe, 33, Old Bridge, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jerry J. Borg, 63, World Trade Center, died 12/15/10.

Martin Michael Boryczewski, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Edward Bosco, 34, Suffern, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.

Klaus Bothe, 31, Linkenheim, Germany, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Carol Marie Bouchard, 43, Warwick, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

J. Howard Boulton, 29, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Francisco Eligio Bourdier, 40, Allied Security, World Trade Center.

Thomas Harold Bowden, Jr., 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donna M. Bowen, 42, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Kimberly S. Bowers, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Veronique Nicole Bowers, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Larry Bowman, 46, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Shawn Edward Bowman, Jr., 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin L. Bowser, 45, Philadelphia, Pa., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gary R. Box, 37, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gennady Boyarsky, 34, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Pamela Boyce, 43, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Allen P. Boyle, 30, United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.

Michael Boyle, 37, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alfred J. Braca, 54, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sandra Conaty Brace, 60, Staten Island, N.Y., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Kevin Hugh Bracken, 37, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sandy Waugh Bradshaw, 38, Greensboro, N.C., Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

David Brian Brady, 41, Summit, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., World Trade Center.

Alexander Braginsky, 38, Greenwich, Conn., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Reuters Group Limited, World Trade Center.

Nicholas W. Brandemarti, 21, Hoboken, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daniel Raymond Brandhorst, 41, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst, 3, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Michelle Renee Bratton, 23, Scotchtown, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Patrice Braut, 31, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lydia Estelle Bravo, 50, Dunellen, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ronald Michael Breitweiser, 39, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Edward A. Brennan III, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frank H. Brennan, 50, Oak Beach, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael E. Brennan, 27, Long Island City, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter Brennan, 30, Ronkonkoma, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas More Brennan, 32, Scarsdale, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Daniel J. Brethel, 43, Farmingville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gary Lee Bright, 36, Aon Corporation contractor, World Trade Center.

Jonathan Eric Briley, 43, Mount Vernon, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Mark A. Brisman, 34, Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.

Paul Gary Bristow, 27, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Marion R. Britton, 53, Brooklyn, N.Y., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Mark Francis Broderick, 40, Old Bridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Herman Charles Broghammer, 58, North Merrick, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Keith A. Broomfield, 49, Advent Industrial, World Trade Center.

Bernard C. Brown II, 11, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Janice Juloise Brown, 35, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lloyd Stanford Brown, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Patrick John Brown, 48, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Bettina B. Browne-Radburn, 49, Atlantic Beach, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mark Bruce, 40, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Richard George Bruehert, 38, Westbury, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrew Brunn, 28, Fresh Meadows, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Vincent Edward Brunton, 43, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ronald Bucca, 47, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Brandon J. Buchanan, 24, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Greg J. Buck, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Dennis Buckley, 38, Chatham, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nancy Clare Bueche, 43, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Patrick Joseph Buhse, 37, Lincroft, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Edward Bulaga, Jr., 35, Haskell, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen Bruce Bunin, 44, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher L. Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Matthew J. Burke, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Daniel Burke, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William Francis Burke, Jr., 45, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Charles F. Burlingame III, 51, Oak Hill, Va., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Thomas E. Burnett, Jr., 38, San Ramon, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Donald J. Burns, 61, Nissequogue, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Anne Burns, 48, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Keith James Burns, 39, East Rutherford, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Patrick Burnside, 36, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Irina Buslo, 32, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Milton G. Bustillo, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas M. Butler, 37, Kings Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Patrick Dennis Byrne, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy G. Byrne, 36, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Daniel M. Caballero, 21, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Jesus Neptali Cabezas, 66, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Lillian Caceres, 48, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian Joseph Cachia, 26, Bayside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Dennis Cafiero, Jr., 31, Whitestone, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Richard Michael Caggiano, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Cecile Marella Caguicla, 55, Boonton, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Brett Cahill, 56, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Michael John Cahill, 37, East Williston, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Scott Walter Cahill, 30, West Caldwell, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Cahill, 36, Franklin Lakes, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George C. Cain, 35, Massapequa, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Salvatore B. Calabro, 38, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph M. Calandrillo, 49, Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Philip V. Calcagno, 57, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Calderon, 44, Union City, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Jose O. Calderon-Olmedo, United States Army, Pentagon.

Kenneth Marcus Caldwell, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Dominick E. Calia, 40, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Felix Bobby Calixte, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., BP Air Conditioning Corp., World Trade Center.

Francis Joseph Callahan, 51, Bloomingburg, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Liam Callahan, 44, Rockaway, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Suzanne M. Calley, 43, San Martin, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Gino Luigi Calvi, 34, East Rutherford, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Roko Camaj, 60, Manhasset, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc, World Trade Center.

Michael F. Cammarata, 22, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Otey Campbell, 51, Basking Ridge, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Geoffrey Thomas Campbell, 31, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Reuters Group Limited, World Trade Center.

Robert Arthur Campbell, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fine Painting and Decorating Co. Inc., World Trade Center.

Sandra Patricia Campbell, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sean Thomas Canavan, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

John A. Candela, 42, Glen Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vincent A. Cangelosi, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen J. Cangialosi, 40, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lisa Bella Cannava, 30, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian Cannizzaro, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael R. Canty, 30, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Louis Anthony Caporicci, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jonathan Neff Cappello, 23, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Christopher Cappers, 33, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard Michael Caproni, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jose Manuel Cardona, 34, Bronx, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dennis M. Carey, Sr., 51, Wantagh, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Edward Carlino, 46, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Scott Carlo, 34, Long Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David G. Carlone, 46, Randolph, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from FM Global, World Trade Center.

Rosemarie C. Carlson, 40, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mark Stephen Carney, 41, Rahway, N.J., Association of International Recruiters, World Trade Center.

Joyce Ann Carpeneto, 40, New York City, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Jeremy Caz Carrington, 34, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael T. Carroll, 39, Ridgewood, N.J., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter J. Carroll, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

James Joseph Carson, Jr., 32, Massapequa Park, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christoffer Mikael Carstanjen, 33, Turner Falls, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Angelene C. Carter, 51, Forestville, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

James Marcel Cartier, 26, Astoria, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from P.E. Stone, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sharon Ann Carver, 38, Waldorf, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Vivian Casalduc, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

John Francis Casazza, 38, Colts Neck, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Regan Cascio, 23, Manhasset, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Neilie Anne Heffernan Casey, 32, Wellesley, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

William Joseph Cashman, 60, West New York, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Thomas Anthony Casoria, 29, Whitestone, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William Otto Caspar, 57, New Jersey, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alejandro Casta o, 34, Englewood, N.J., Boise Cascade Corporation, World Trade Center.

Arcelia Castillo, 49, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Leonard M. Castrianno, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jose Ramon Castro, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

William E. Caswell, 54, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Richard G. Catarelli, 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Sean Caton, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert John Caufield, 49, Valley Stream, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Mary Teresa Caulfield, 58, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Judson Cavalier, 26, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Cawley, 32, North Bellmore, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jason David Cayne, 32, Marlboro, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Juan Armando Ceballos, 47, Queens, N.Y., SubContracting Concepts, World Trade Center.

Marcia G. Cecil-Carter, 34, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jason Michael Cefalu, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Celic, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ana Mercedes Centeno, 38, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joni Cesta, 37, World Trade Center.

John J. Chada, 55, Manassas, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Jeffrey Marc Chairnoff, 35, West Windsor, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Swarna Chalasani, 33, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

William A. Chalcoff, 41, Roslyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Eli Chalouh, 23, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Charles Lawrence Chan, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mandy Chang, 40, First Commercial Bank, World Trade Center.

Rosa Maria Chapa, 63, Springfield, Va., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Mark Lawrence Charette, 38, Millburn, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David M. Charlebois, 39, Washington, D.C., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Gregorio Manuel Chavez, 48, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Pedro Francisco Checo, 35, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Douglas MacMillan Cherry, 38, Maplewood, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Stephen Patrick Cherry, 41, Stamford, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vernon Paul Cherry, 49, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Nestor Julio Chevalier, Jr., 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Swede Joseph Chevalier, 26, Locust, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alexander H. Chiang, 51, New York, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro, 61, Glenwood, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Luis Alfonso Chimbo, 39, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Robert Chin, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor, World Trade Center.

Eddie Wing-Wai Ching, 29, New Jersey, UmeVoice Inc., World Trade Center.

Nicholas Paul Chiofalo, 39, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John G. Chipura, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter A. Chirchirillo, 47, Langhorne, Pa., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Catherine Ellen Chirls, 47, Princeton, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kyung Hee Casey Cho, 30, Clifton, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Abul K. Chowdhury, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mohammad Salahuddin Chowdhury, 38, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Kirsten Lail Christophe, 39, Maplewood, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Pamela Chu, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Paul Chucknick, 44, Old Bridge, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Wai Ching Chung, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., World Trade Center.

Christopher Ciafardini, 30, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alex F. Ciccone, 38, New Rochelle, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Frances Ann Cilente, 26, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Elaine Cillo, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patricia Ann Cimaroli Massari and her unborn child, 25, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edna Cintron, 46, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nestor Andre Cintron III, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert D. Cirri, Sr., 39, Nutley, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Juan Pablo Cisneros, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Benjamin Keefe Clark, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from Sodexho Alliance, World Trade Center.

Eugene Clark, 47, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Gregory Alan Clark, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mannie Leroy Clark, 54, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sara M. Clark, 65, Columbia, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Thomas R. Clark, 37, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Christopher Robert Clarke, 34, Pennsylvania, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Donna Marie Clarke, 39, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael J. Clarke, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Suria Rachel Emma Clarke, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Francis Cleary, 38, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

James D. Cleere, 55, Newton, Iowa, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Geoffrey W. Cloud, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan Marie Clyne, 42, Lindenhurst, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Steven Coakley, 36, Madeira Beach, Fla., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Alan Coale, 31, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Patricia A. Cody, 46, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daniel Michael Coffey, 54, Newburgh, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jason Matthew Coffey, 25, Newburgh, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Florence G. Cohen, 62, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Kevin S. Cohen, 28, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony Joseph Coladonato, 47, Belle Harbor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Joseph Colaio, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen J. Colaio, 32, Montauk, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher Michael Colasanti, 33, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Nathaniel Colbert, 25, West Hempstead, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michel P. Colbert, 39, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Keith E. Coleman, 34, Warren, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Scott Thomas Coleman, 31, Weston, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Tarel Coleman, 32, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Liam Joseph Colhoun, 34, Flushing, N.Y., Bank of America Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert D. Colin, 49, West Babylon, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert J. Coll, 35, Glen Ridge, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Jean Marie Collin, 42, New York City, Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

John Michael Collins, 42, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael L. Collins, 38, Upper Montclair, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Collins, 36, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Joseph Kent Collison, 50, New York City, Addeco, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Dwayne Collman, 41, Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Patricia Malia Colodner, 39, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Linda M. Colon, 46, Perrineville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sol E. Colon, 39, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ronald Edward Comer, 56, Northport, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jaime Concepcion, 46, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Albert Conde, 62, Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Denease Conley, 44, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Susan P. Conlon, 41, Bank of America Corporation, World Trade Center.

Margaret Mary Conner, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Cynthia Marie Lise Connolly, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

John E. Connolly, Jr., 46, Allenwood, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

James Lee Connor, 38, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Jonathan M. Connors, 55, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Patrick Connors, 55, Greenwich, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Kevin F. Conroy, 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brenda E. Conway, 40, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dennis Michael Cook, 33, Colts Neck, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Helen D. Cook, 24, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey W. Coombs, 42, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

John A. Cooper, 40, Bayonne, N.J., Sandler O'Neill visitor from SunGard Data Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Julian T. Cooper, 39, United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.

Joseph John Coppo, Jr., 47, New Canaan, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gerard J. Coppola, 46, New Providence, N.J., Educational Broadcasting Corporation, World Trade Center.

Joseph Albert Corbett, 28, Islip, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John J. Corcoran III, 43, Norwell, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Alejandro Cordero, 23, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Joseph Cordice, 28, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ruben D. Correa, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez, 25, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Georgine Rose Corrigan, 55, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

James J. Corrigan, Ret., 60, Little Neck, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carlos CortŽs-Rodriguez, 57, New York City, Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Kevin Michael Cosgrove, 46, West Islip, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Dolores Marie Costa, 52, Port Monmouth, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Digna Alexandra Costanza, 25, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles Gregory Costello, Jr., 46, ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corp., World Trade Center.

Michael S. Costello, 27, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Asia S. Cottom, 11, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Conrod Kofi Cottoy, Sr., 50, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Martin John Coughlan, 53, Queens, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

John G. Coughlin, 43, Pomona, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy J. Coughlin, 42, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James E. Cove, 48, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Andre Colin Cox, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Frederick John Cox, 27, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

James Raymond Coyle, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michele Coyle-Eulau, 38, Garden City, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Seton Cramer, 34, Manahawkin, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Eric A. Cranford, 32, Falls Church, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Denise Elizabeth Crant, 46, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

James Leslie Crawford, Jr., 33, Madison, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert James Crawford, 62, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Tara Kathleen Creamer, 30, Worcester, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Joanne Mary Cregan, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lucia Crifasi, 51, Glendale, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

John A. Crisci, 48, Holbrook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Daniel Hal Crisman, 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dennis A. Cross, 60, Islip Terrace, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kevin R. Crotty, 43, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Thomas G. Crotty, 42, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

John R. Crowe, 57, Rutherford, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Welles Remy Crowther, 24, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Robert L. Cruikshank, 64, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Robert Cruz, 32, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Grace Alegre Cua, 40, Glen Rock, N.J., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Kenneth John Cubas, 48, Woodstock, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Francisco Cruz Cubero, 47, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thelma Cuccinello, 71, Wilmot, N.H., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Richard Joseph Cudina, 46, Glen Gardner, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Neil James Cudmore, 39, Port Washington, N.Y., Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Thomas Patrick Cullen III, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joan Cullinan, 47, Scarsdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joyce Rose Cummings, 65, World Trade Center.

Brian Thomas Cummins, 38, Manasquan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Cunningham, 39, Princeton Junction, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Robert Curatolo, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Laurence Damian Curia, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Dario Curioli, 52, Norwalk, Conn., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Patrick Joseph Currivan, 52, Boston, Mass. and Paris, France, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Beverly L. Curry, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Andrew Peter Charles Curry Green, 34, Santa Monica, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Michael Sean Curtin, 45, Medford, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Patricia Cushing, 69, Bayonne, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Gavin Cushny, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John D'Allara, 47, Pearl River, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Vincent Gerard D'Amadeo, 36, East Patchogue, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jack L. D'Ambrosi, Jr., 45, Woodcliff Lake, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mary D'Antonio, 55, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward A. D'Atri, 38, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael D. D'Auria, 25, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Jude D'Esposito, 32, Morganville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Carlos S. da Costa, 41, Elizabeth, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Caleb Arron Dack, 39, Montclair, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Encompys, World Trade Center.

Jason M. Dahl, 43, Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Brian Paul Dale, 43, Warren, N.J., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Thomas A. Damaskinos, 33, Matawan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Cent

Jeannine Damiani-Jones, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Manuel Jo o DaMota, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y., Bronx Builders, World Trade Center.

Patrick W. Danahy, 35, Westchester, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Vincent G. Danz, 38, Farmingdale, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Dwight Donald Darcy, 55, Bronxville, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Elizabeth Ann Darling, 28, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Annette Andrea Dataram, 25, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Lawrence Davidson, 51, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Allen Davidson, 27, Matawan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Scott Matthew Davidson, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Titus Davidson, 51, Morgan Stanley contractor, World Trade Center.

Niurka Davila, 47, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Ada M. Davis, 57, Camp Springs, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Clinton Davis, Sr., 38, Flushing, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Wayne Terrial Davis, 29, Fort Meade, Md., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Callixa Corporation, World Trade Center.

Anthony Richard Dawson, 32, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Thales Contact Solutions, World Trade Center.

Calvin Dawson, 46, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Edward James Day, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Dorothy Alma de Araujo, 80, Naples, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Jayceryll Malabuyoc de Chavez, 24, Carteret, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Jennifer De Jesus, 23, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Nereida De Jesus, 30, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Emy De La Pe a, 32, Briarwood, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Azucena Maria de la Torre, 50, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Francis Albert De Martini, 49, Brooklyn, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Jose Nicolas De Pena, 42, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Melanie Louise de Vere, 30, London, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

William Thomas Dean, 35, Floral Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert J. DeAngelis, Jr., 47, Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Thomas Patrick DeAngelis, 51, Westbury, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ana Gloria Pocasangre Debarrera, 49, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Tara E. Debek, 36, Babylon, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

James D. Debeuneure, 58, Upper Marlboro, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Anna M. DeBin, 30, Farmingdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James V. DeBlase, Jr., 45, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul DeCola, 39, Ridgewood, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gerald F. DeConto, 44, Alexandria, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Simon Marash Dedvukaj, 26, Mohegan Lake, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Jason Christopher DeFazio, 29, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Laura Lee Defazio Morabito, 34, Framingham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

David A. DeFeo, 36, Fresh Meadows, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Monique Effie DeJesus, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Manuel Del Valle, Jr., 32, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Donald Arthur Delapenha, 37, Allendale, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Vito Joseph DeLeo, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Danielle Anne Delie, 47, New York, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph A. Della Pietra, 24, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Andrea DellaBella, 59, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Palmina DelliGatti, 33, Long Island City, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Colleen Ann Deloughery, 41, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Joseph DeLuca, 52, Ledgewood, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Anthony Demas, 61, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Martin N. DeMeo, 47, Farmingville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Francis Deming, 47, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Carol Keyes Demitz, 49, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Kevin Dennis, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Francis Dennis, Sr., 43, Setauket, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jean C. DePalma, 42, West Milford, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert John Deraney, 43, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference, World Trade Center.

Michael DeRienzo, 35, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Paul DeRubbio, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jemal Legesse DeSantis, 28, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Christian Louis DeSimone, 23, Ringwood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward DeSimone III, 36, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Andrew J. Desperito, 43, East Patchogue, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Cindy Ann Deuel, 28, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jerry DeVito, 66, Riverdale, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert P. Devitt, Jr., 36, Plainsboro, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51, Washingtonville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gerard P. Dewan, 35, Rockaway Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sulemanali Kassamali Dhanani, 32, Hartsdale, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Patricia Florence Di Chiaro, 63, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Debra Ann Di Martino, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Di Pilato, 57, Staten Island, N.Y., Morgan Stanley contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Michael Louis DiAgostino, 41, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Matthew Diaz, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

Nancy Diaz, 28, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Obdulio Ruiz Diaz, 44, Bronx Builders, World Trade Center.

Michael A. Diaz-Piedra III, 49, Washington Township, N.J., Bank of New York, World Trade Center, died 9/30/01.

Judith Berquis Diaz-Sierra, 32, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Rodney Dickens, 11, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Jerry D. Dickerson, 41, Springfield, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Joseph Dermot Dickey, Jr., 50, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lawrence Patrick Dickinson, 35, Marlboro, N.J., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael D. Diehl, 48, Brick, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

John Difato, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vincent Francis DiFazio, 43, Hunterdon County, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Carl Anthony DiFranco, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Donald Joseph DiFranco, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., WABC-TV, World Trade Center.

Eddie A. Dillard, 54, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

David DiMeglio, 22, Wakefield, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Stephen Patrick Dimino, 48, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William John Dimmling, 47, Garden City, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher More Dincuff, 31, Jersey City, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Mark Dingle, 32, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Encompys, World Trade Center.

Rena Sam Dinnoo, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anthony Dionisio, 38, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George DiPasquale, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Douglas Frank DiStefano, 24, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donald Americo DiTullio, 49, Peabody, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Ramzi A. Doany, 35, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Johnnie Doctor, Jr., 32, Washington, D.C., United States Navy, Pentagon.

John Joseph Doherty, 58, Hartsdale, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Melissa C ndida Doi, 32, Throgs Neck, N.Y., IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brendan Dolan, 37, Glen Rock, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert E. Dolan, Jr., 43, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Neil Matthew Dollard, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Domanico, 56, Douglaston, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Benilda Pascua Domingo, 37, Philippines, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Alberto Dominguez, 66, New South Wales, Australia, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Carlos Dominguez, 34, East Meadow, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez, 37, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Kevin W. Donnelly, 43, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jacqueline Donovan, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

William H. Donovan, 37, Alexandria, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Stephen Scott Dorf, 39, New Milford, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Thomas Dowd, 37, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Christopher Dowdell, 46, Breezy Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mary Yolanda Dowling, 46, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Raymond Matthew Downey, Sr., 63, Deer Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Frank Joseph Doyle, 39, Englewood, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Michael Doyle, 25, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Randall L. Drake, 37, Lee's Summit, Mo., Siemens AG, World Trade Center, died 9/22/01.

Patrick Joseph Driscoll, 70, Englishtowne, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Stephen Patrick Driscoll, 38, Lake Carmel, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Charles A. Droz III, 52, Springfield, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Mirna A. Duarte, 30, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Luke A. Dudek, 50, Livingston, N.J., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Christopher Michael Duffy, 23, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gerard J. Duffy, 53, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Duffy, 29, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas W. Duffy, 52, Pittsford, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Antoinette Duger, 44, Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jackie Sayegh Duggan, 34, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Sareve Dukat, 53, New York City, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Patrick Dunn, 39, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Felicia Gail Dunn-Jones, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., World Trade Center, died 2/10/02.

Christopher Joseph Dunne, 28, Mineola, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard Anthony Dunstan, 54, New Providence, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Patrick Thomas Dwyer, 37, Nissequogue, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Anthony Eacobacci, 26, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Bruce Eagleson, 53, Middlefield, Conn., Westfield Corporation, World Trade Center.

Edward T. Earhart, 26, Morehead, Ky., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Robert Douglas Eaton, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dean Phillip Eberling, 44, Cranford, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Margaret Ruth Echtermann, 33, Barneveld, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.

Paul Robert Eckna, 28, West New York, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Constantine Economos, 41, Brooklyn, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Barbara G. Edwards, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Dennis Michael Edwards, 35, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Hardy Edwards, 33, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Christine Egan, 55, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Lisa Erin Egan, 31, Cliffside Park, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Martin J. Egan, Jr., 36, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Egan, 51, Middletown, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Samantha Martin Egan, 24, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Carole Eggert, 60, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lisa Caren Ehrlich, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

John Ernst Eichler, 69, Cedar Grove, N.J., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.

Eric Adam Eisenberg, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Daphne Ferlinda Elder, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael J. Elferis, 27, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mark Joseph Ellis, 26, South Huntington, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Valerie Silver Ellis, 46, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Albert Alfy William Elmarry, 30, North Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert R. Elseth, United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.

Edgar Hendricks Emery, Jr., 45, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Doris Suk-Yuen Eng, 30, Flushing, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Christopher Epps, 29, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ulf Ramm Ericson, 79, Greenwich, Conn., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Erwin L. Erker, 41, Farmingdale, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

William John Erwin, 30, Verona, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sarah Ali Escarcega, 35, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Jose Espinal, 31, World Trade Center.

Fanny Espinoza, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Billy Scoop Esposito, 51, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Bridget Ann Esposito, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Francis Esposito, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael A. Esposito, 41, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ruben Esquilin, Jr., 35, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Sadie Ette, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Barbara G. Etzold, 43, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Eric Brian Evans, 31, Norwich, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert Edward Evans, 36, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Meredith Emily June Ewart, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Catherine K. Fagan, 58, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patricia Mary Fagan, 55, Toms River, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks-Barbosa, 30, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Keith George Fairben, 24, Floral Park, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Sandra Fajardo-Smith, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Dana Falkenberg, 3, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Jamie L. Fallon, United States Navy, Pentagon.

William F. Fallon, 53, Rocky Hill, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

William Lawrence Fallon, Jr., 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony J. Fallone, Jr., 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dolores Brigitte Fanelli, 38, Farmingville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert John Fangman, 33, Chelsea, Mass., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

John Joseph Fanning, 54, West Hempstead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Anne Faragher, 33, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Janus Capital Group, World Trade Center.

Thomas James Farino, 37, Bohemia, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Nancy C. Doloszycki Farley, 45, Jersey City, N.J., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Paige Marie Farley-Hackel, 46, Newton, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Elizabeth Ann Farmer, 62, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Douglas Jon Farnum, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Gerard Farrell, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John W. Farrell, 41, Basking Ridge, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph D. Farrelly, 47, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Patrick Farrelly, 54, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Syed Abdul Fatha, 54, Newark, N.J., Pitney Bowes Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Edward Faughnan, 37, South Orange, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Wendy R. Faulkner, 47, Mason, Ohio, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Shannon Marie Fava, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Bernard D. Favuzza, 52, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Fazio, Jr., 41, Freeport, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Ronald Carl Fazio, Sr., 57, Closter, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

William M. Feehan, 71, Flushing, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Francis Jude Feely, 41, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Garth Erin Feeney, 25, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.

Sean Bernard Fegan, 34, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lee S. Fehling, 28, Wantagh, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter Adam Feidelberg, 34, Hoboken, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Alan D. Feinberg, 48, Marlboro, N.J., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Rosa Maria Feliciano, 30, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward P. Felt, 41, Matawan, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Edward Thomas Fergus, Jr., 40, Wilton, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George J. Ferguson III, 54, Teaneck, N.J., Westfalia Investments, Inc., World Trade Center.

J. Joseph Ferguson, 39, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Henry Fernandez, 23, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Judy Hazel Santillan Fernandez, 27, Parlin, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Julio Fernandez, 51, Hudson Shatz, World Trade Center.

Elisa Giselle Ferraina, 26, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert John Ferris, 63, Garden City, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

David Francis Ferrugio, 46, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Louis V. Fersini, Jr., 38, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael David Ferugio, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Swett & Crawford Group, World Trade Center.

Bradley James Fetchet, 24, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer Louise Fialko, 29, Teaneck, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kristen Nicole Fiedel, 27, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Amelia V. Fields, 46, Dumfries, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Samuel Fields, 36, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alexander Milan Filipov, 70, Concord, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Michael Bradley Finnegan, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Timothy J. Finnerty, 33, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael C. Fiore, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43, Aberdeen, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Paul M. Fiori, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John B. Fiorito, 40, Stamford, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John R. Fischer, 46, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Andrew Fisher, 42, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Imagine Software, Inc., World Trade Center.

Bennett Lawson Fisher, 58, Greenwich, Conn., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Gerald P. Fisher, 57, Potomac, Md., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.

John Roger Fisher, 46, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Thomas J. Fisher, 36, Union, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Lucy A. Fishman, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ryan D. Fitzgerald, 26, Floral Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Thomas James Fitzpatrick, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Richard P. Fitzsimons, 57, Lynbrook, N.Y., World Trade Center Fire Safety, World Trade Center.

Salvatore Fiumefreddo, 45, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Darlene E. Flagg, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Wilson F. Flagg, 62, Millwood, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Christina Donovan Flannery, 26, Middle Village, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Eileen Flecha, 33, Queens, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Andre G. Fletcher, 37, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carl M. Flickinger, 38, Congers, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Matthew M. Flocco, United States Navy, Pentagon.

John Joseph Florio, 33, Oceanside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Walkden Flounders, 46, East Stroudsburg, Pa., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Carol Ann Flyzik, 40, Plaistow, N.H., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

David Fodor, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Michael N. Fodor, 53, Warwick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Mark Fogel, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas J. Foley, 32, Central Nyack, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jane C. Folger, 73, Bayonne, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

David J. Fontana, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Chih Min Foo, 40, Holmdel, N.J., New York Board of Trade, World Trade Center.

Delrose E. Forbes Cheatham, 48, Effort, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Godwin Forde, 38, Morgan Stanley contractor, World Trade Center.

Donald A. Foreman, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Christopher Hugh Forsythe, 44, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Claudia Alicia Foster, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Noel John Foster, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Sandra N. Foster, 41, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Ana Fosteris, 58, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert Joseph Foti, 42, Albertson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Fox, 40, Cranbury, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Virginia Elizabeth Fox, 58, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Pauline Francis, 56, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Virgin Lucy Francis, 62, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Gary Jay Frank, 35, South Amboy, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Morton H. Frank, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Christopher Frank, 29, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Colleen L. Fraser, 51, Elizabeth, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Richard K. Fraser, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kevin J. Frawley, 34, Bronxville, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Clyde Frazier, Jr., 41, Jamaica, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Revenue Crimes Bureau, World Trade Center.

Lillian Inez Frederick, 46, Teaneck, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Andrew Fredericks, 40, Suffern, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Tamitha Freeman, 35, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Brett Owen Freiman, 28, New York City, Marriott guest, World Trade Center.

Peter L. Freund, 45, Westtown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Arlene Eva Fried, 49, Roslyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alan W. Friedlander, 52, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Andrew Keith Friedman, 44, Woodbury, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Paul J. Friedman, 45, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Gregg J. Froehner, 46, Chester, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Lisa Anne Frost, 22, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Peter Christian Fry, 36, Wilton, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Clement A. Fumando, 59, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Elliot Furman, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul James Furmato, 37, Colts Neck, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Karleton Douglas Beye Fyfe, 31, Brookline, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Fredric Neal Gabler, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Peter Gabriel, 54, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Richard S. Gabrielle, 50, West Haven, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

James Andrew Gadiel, 23, Kent, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Pamela Lee Gaff, 51, Robbinsville, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ervin Vincent Gailliard, 42, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Deanna Lynn Galante and her unborn child, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Grace Catherine Galante, 29, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony Edward Gallagher, 41, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel James Gallagher, 23, Red Bank, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Patrick Gallagher, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lourdes J. Galletti, 35, Bronx, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Cono E. Gallo, 30, Maspeth, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Vincent Gallucci, 36, Monroe, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas E. Galvin, 32, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Giovanna Galletta Gambale, 27, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Gambino, Jr., 48, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Giann F. Gamboa, 26, East Elmhurst, N.Y., Aramark Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ronald L. Gamboa, 33, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Peter James Ganci, Jr., 54, North Massapequa, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Gann, 41, Roswell, Ga., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Algorithmics Incorporated, World Trade Center.

Charles William Garbarini, 44, Westchester, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Andrew Sonny Garcia, 62, Portola Valley, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Cesar R. Garcia, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David Garcia, 40, Freeport, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Allegiance Group, World Trade Center.

Jorge Luis Morron Garcia, 38, Jackson Heights, N.Y., Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Juan Garcia, 50, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Marlyn Del Carmen Garcia, 21, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Samuel Gardner, 36, Darien, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Douglas Benjamin Gardner, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Harvey Joseph Gardner III, 35, Lake Wood, N.J., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Brian Gardner, 36, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas A. Gardner, 39, Oceanside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William Arthur Gardner, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frank Garfi, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rocco Nino Gargano, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James M. Gartenberg, 35, New York City, Julien J. Studley, World Trade Center.

Matthew David Garvey, 37, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Bruce Gary, 51, Bellmore, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Boyd Alan Gatton, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Donald Richard Gavagan, Jr., 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Alan Gay, 54, Tewksbury, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Terence D. Gazzani, 24, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gary Paul Geidel, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul Hamilton Geier, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Julie M. Geis, 44, Lee's Summit, Mo., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Peter Gerard Gelinas, 34, Westchester, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Paul Geller, 52, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Howard G. Gelling, Jr., 28, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Peter Victor Genco, Jr., 36, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Gregory Genovese, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alayne Gentul, 44, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Linda M. George, 27, Westboro, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Edward F. Geraghty, 45, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Suzanne Geraty, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ralph Gerhardt, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Gerlich, 56, Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Denis P. Germain, 33, Tuxedo, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Marina Romanovna Gertsberg, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan M. Getzendanner, 57, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Lawrence D. Getzfred, 57, Maryland, United States Navy, Pentagon.

James G. Geyer, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Cortez Ghee, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Joseph M. Giaccone, 43, Monroe, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vincent Francis Giammona, 40, Valley Stream, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Debra Lynn Gibbon, 43, Hackettstown, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

James Andrew Giberson, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Brenda C. Gibson, 59, Fredericksburg, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Craig Neil Gibson, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ronnie E. Gies, 43, Merrick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Andrew Clive Gilbert, 39, Tewksbury, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Timothy Paul Gilbert, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Stuart Gilbey, 39, Chatham, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Paul John Gill, 34, Astoria, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mark Y. Gilles, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald consultant, World Trade Center.

Evan Hunter Gillette, 40, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Ronald Lawrence Gilligan, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rodney C. Gillis, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Laura Gilly, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John F. Ginley, 37, Warwick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Donna Marie Giordano, 44, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey John Giordano, 45, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John Giordano, 47, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Steven A. Giorgetti, 43, Manhasset, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Martin Giovinazzo, 34, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kum-Kum Girolamo, 41, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Salvatore Gitto, 44, Manalapan, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Cynthia Giugliano, 46, Nesconset, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Mon Gjonbalaj, 64, Bronx, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Dianne Gladstone, 55, Forest Hills, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Keith Alexander Glascoe, 38, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Irwin Glasser, 40, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Edmund Glazer, 41, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Harry Glenn, 38, Piscataway, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Barry H. Glick, 55, Wayne, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Jeremy Logan Glick, 31, Hewitt, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Steven Glick, 42, Risk Waters Group conference, World Trade Center.

John T. Gnazzo, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William Robert Godshalk, 35, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Gogliormella, 43, New Providence, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian F. Goldberg, 26, Union, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey G. Goldflam, 48, Melville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michelle Goldstein, 31, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Monica Goldstein, 25, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Ian Goldstein, 35, Princeton, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ronald F. Golinski, 60, Columbia, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Andrew H. Golkin, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dennis James Gomes, 40, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Enrique Antonio Gomez, 42, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Jose Bienvenido Gomez, 45, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Manuel Gomez, Jr., 42, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Wilder Alfredo Gomez, 37, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Jenine Nicole Gonzalez, 27, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mauricio Gonzalez, 27, New York City, Aon Corporation contractor from Certified Moving & Storage Company, World Trade Center.

Rosa J. Gonzalez, 32, Jersey City, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Lynn Catherine Goodchild, 25, Attleboro, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Calvin Joseph Gooding, 38, Bronx, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Morgan Goodrich, 33, Sudbury, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Harry Goody, 50, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Kiran Kumar Reddy Gopu, 25, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Catherine C. Gorayeb, 41, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Random Walk Computing Inc., World Trade Center.

Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, Needham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Kerene Gordon, 43, Far Rockaway, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Sebastian Gorki, 27, New York, Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, World Trade Center.

Kieran Joseph Gorman, 35, Yonkers, N.Y., Structure Tone, World Trade Center.

Thomas Edward Gorman, 41, Middlesex, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Edward Gould, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

O. Kristin Osterholm White Gould, 65, New York City, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Douglas Alan Gowell, 52, Methuen, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Yuji Goya, 42, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Jon Richard Grabowski, 33, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Michael Grady, 39, Cranford, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edwin J. Graf III, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Martin Graifman, 40, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gilbert Franco Granados, 51, Hicksville, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas and her unborn child, 38, San Rafael, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Elvira Granitto, 43, Bronx, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Winston Arthur Grant, 59, Nassau County, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Christopher S. Gray, 32, Weehawken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ian J. Gray, 55, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

James Michael Gray, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Tara McCloud Gray, 30, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

John M. Grazioso, 41, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Timothy George Grazioso, 42, Gulfstream, Fla., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Derrick Auther Green, 44, Bronx, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Wade B. Green, 42, Westbury, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

Wanda Anita Green, 49, Linden, N.J., Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Elaine Myra Greenberg, 56, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.

Donald Freeman Greene, 53, Greenwich, Conn., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Gayle R. Greene, 51, Montville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

James Arthur Greenleaf, Jr., 32, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Eileen Marsha Greenstein, 52, Morris Plains, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Elizabeth Martin Gregg, 52, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Denise Marie Gregory, 39, Rego Park, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Donald H. Gregory, 62, Ramsey, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Florence Moran Gregory, 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Pedro Grehan, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Michael Griffin, 38, Waldwick, N.J., Silverstein Properties, World Trade Center.

Tawanna Sherry Griffin, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Joan Donna Griffith, 39, Willingboro, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Warren Grifka, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ramon B. Grijalvo, 58, Hollis, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center, died 9/15/01.

Joseph F. Grillo, 46, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

David Joseph Grimner, 51, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Francis Edward Grogan, 76, North Dartmouth, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Linda Gronlund, 46, Greenwood Lake, N.Y., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Kenneth George Grouzalis, 56, Lyndhurst, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Joseph Grzelak, 52, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Matthew James Grzymalski, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Joseph Gschaar, 55, Spring Valley, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Liming Gu, 34, Piscataway, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard J. Guadagno, 37, Eureka, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Jose A. Guadalupe, 37, Queens, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Cindy Yan Zhu Guan, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Geoffrey E. Guja, 47, Lindenhurst, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph P. Gullickson, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Babita Girjamatie Guman, 33, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Douglas Brian Gurian, 38, Tenafly, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Radianz, World Trade Center.

Janet Ruth Gustafson, 48, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Philip T. Guza, 54, Sea Bright, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Barbara Guzzardo, 49, Ridgewood, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Peter Mark Gyulavary, 45, Warwick, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Gary Robert Haag, 36, Ossining, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrea Lyn Haberman, 25, Chicago, Ill., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Barbara Mary Habib, 49, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Philip Haentzler, 49, Kidder Peabody, World Trade Center.

Nezam A. Hafiz, 32, South Ozone Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Karen Elizabeth Hagerty, 34, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Steven Michael Hagis, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mary Lou Hague, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

David Halderman, 40, Amityville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Maile Rachel Hale, 26, Cambridge, Mass., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Boston Investor Services, World Trade Center.

Diane Hale-McKinzy, 38, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Richard B. Hall, 49, Purchase, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Stanley R. Hall, 68, Clifton, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Vaswald George Hall, 50, St. Albans, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey visitor, Early Bird Delivery, World Trade Center.

Robert J. Halligan, 59, Basking Ridge, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Vincent Gerard Halloran, 43, North Salem, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carolyn B. Halmon, 49, Washington, D.C., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

James Douglas Halvorson, 56, Riverside, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mohammad Salman Hamdani, 23, Bayside, N.Y., World Trade Center.

Felicia Hamilton, 62, Long Island City, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Robert W. Hamilton, 43, Washingtonville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carl Max Hammond, Jr., 37, Derry, N.H., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Frederic K. Han, 45, Marlboro, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher James Hanley, 34, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Radianz, World Trade Center.

Sean S. Hanley, 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Valerie Joan Hanna, 57, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas Paul Hannafin, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kevin James Hannaford, Sr., 32, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Lawrence Hannan, 34, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dana Rey Hannon, 29, Suffern, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Christine Lee Hanson, 2, Groton, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Peter Burton Hanson, 32, Groton, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Sue Kim Hanson, 35, Groton, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Vassilios G. Haramis, 56, Staten Island, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

James A. Haran, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gerald Francis Hardacre, 61, Carlsbad, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Pike Hardy, 46, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

T.J. Hargrave, 38, Readington, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel Edward Harlin, 41, Kent, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Frances Haros, 76, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Harvey L. Harrell, 49, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen G. Harrell, 44, Warwick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Melissa Marie Harrington, 31, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Slam Dunk Networks, Inc., World Trade Center.

Aisha Ann Harris, 22, Bronx, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Stewart D. Harris, 52, Marlboro, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Patrick Hart, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Eric Hartono, 19, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

John Clinton Hartz, 64, Basking Ridge, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Emeric Harvey, 56, Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Peter Paul Hashem, 40, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Thomas Theodore Haskell, Jr., 37, Massapequa Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy Shawn Haskell, 34, Seaford, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph John Hasson III, 34, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Leonard W. Hatton, Jr., 45, Ridgefield Park, N.J., Federal Bureau of Investigation, World Trade Center.

Terence S. Hatton, 41, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Helmut Haub, 34, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy Aaron Haviland, 41, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Donald G. Havlish, Jr., 53, Yardley, Pa., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Anthony Maurice Hawkins, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nobuhiro Hayatsu, 36, Scarsdale, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

James Edward Hayden, 47, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Robert Jay Hayes, 37, Amerbury, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Philip T. Hayes, Ret., 67, East Northport, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

W. Ward Haynes, 35, Rye, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Scott Jordan Hazelcorn, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael K. Healey, 42, East Patchogue, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Roberta B. Heber, 60, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles Francis Xavier Heeran, 23, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John F. Heffernan, 37, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michele M. Heidenberger, 57, Chevy Chase, Md., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Sheila M.S. Hein, 51, University Park, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

H. Joseph Heller, Jr., 37, Ridgefield, Conn., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

JoAnn L. Heltibridle, 46, Springfield, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Washington, D.C., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Mark F. Hemschoot, 45, Red Bank, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ronnie Lee Henderson, 52, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Brian Hennessey, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edward R. Hennessy, Jr., 35, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Michelle Marie Henrique, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Joseph Patrick Henry, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William L. Henry, Jr., 49, Jamaica, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Catherina Henry-Robinson, 45, Bronx, N.Y., Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.

John Christopher Henwood, 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Allan Hepburn, 39, Union, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mary Herencia, 47, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lindsay C. Herkness III, 58, New York City, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Harvey Robert Hermer, 59, Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.

Norberto Hernandez, 42, Elmhurst, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Raul Hernandez, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gary Herold, 44, Farmingdale, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Alan Hersch, 53, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas J. Hetzel, 33, Elmont, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Leon Bernard Heyward MC Sundance, 45, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, World Trade Center, died 10/10/08.

Brian Christopher Hickey, 47, Bethpage, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Enemencio Dario Hidalgo Cedeno, 51, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Timothy Brian Higgins, 43, Farmingville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert D. W. Higley II, 29, New Fairfield, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Todd Russell Hill, 34, Boston, Mass., Marriott guest, World Trade Center.

Clara Victorine Hinds, 52, Far Rockaway, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Neal O. Hinds, 28, Bank of New York, World Trade Center.

Mark Hindy, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Katsuyuki Hirai, 32, Hartsdale, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Heather Malia Ho, 32, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Tara Yvette Hobbs, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Thomas Anderson Hobbs, 41, Baldwin, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James J. Hobin, 47, Marlborough, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Wayne Hobson III, 36, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

DaJuan Hodges, 29, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ronald G. Hoerner, 58, Massapequa Park, N.Y., Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patrick A. Hoey, 53, Middletown, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

John A. Hofer, 45, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Marcia Hoffman, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen Gerard Hoffman, 36, Long Beach, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frederick Joseph Hoffmann, 53, Freehold, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michele L. Hoffmann, 27, Freehold, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Judith Florence Hofmiller, 53, Brookfield, Conn., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Wallace Cole Hogan, Jr., United States Army, Pentagon.

Thomas Warren Hohlweck, Jr., 56, Harrison, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jonathan R. Hohmann, 48, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Cora Hidalgo Holland, 52, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

John Holland, 30, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Joseph F. Holland, 32, Glen Rock, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jimmie I. Holley, 54, Lanham, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Elizabeth Holmes, 43, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Thomas P. Holohan, 36, Chester, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Herbert Wilson Homer, 48, Milford, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

LeRoy W. Homer, Jr., 36, Marlton, N.J., Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Bradley V. Hoorn, 22, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

James P. Hopper, 52, Farmingdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Montgomery McCullough Hord, 46, Pelham, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Horn, 27, Lynbrook, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Matthew Douglas Horning, 26, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert L. Horohoe, Jr., 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Robert Horrocks, 38, Glen Mills, Pa., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Aaron Horwitz, 24, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Charles J. Houston, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Uhuru G. Houston, 32, Englewood, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Angela M. Houtz, 27, Rockville, Md., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

George Gerard Howard, 44, Hicksville, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Brady Kay Howell, 26, Arlington, Va., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

Michael C. Howell, 60, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Steven Leon Howell, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer L. Howley and her unborn child, 34, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Milagros Hromada, 35, Flushing, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Marian R. Hrycak, 56, Flushing, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Stephen Huczko, Jr., 44, Bethlehem, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Kris Robert Hughes, 30, New York, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Paul Rexford Hughes, 38, Stamford, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert T. Hughes, Jr., 23, Sayreville, N.J., Bank of America Corporation, World Trade Center.

Thomas F. Hughes, Jr., 46, Spring Lake Heights, N.J., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.

Timothy Robert Hughes, 43, Madison, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan Huie, 43, Fairlawn, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lamar Demetrius Hulse, 30, New York City, Marsh & McLennan, Advantage Security, World Trade Center.

John Nicholas Humber, Jr., 60, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

William Christopher Hunt, 32, Norwalk, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Anne Hunt-Casey, 43, Middletown, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Joseph Gerard Hunter, 31, South Hempstead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peggie M. Hurt, 36, Springfield, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Robert R. Hussa, 51, Roslyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Stephen N. Hyland, Jr., 46, Burke, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Robert J. Hymel, 55, Lake Ridge, Va., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Thomas Edward Hynes, 28, Norwalk, Conn., Thomson Financial/Vestek, World Trade Center.

Walter G. Hynes, 46, Belle Harbor, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Anthony Ianelli, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Zuhtu Ibis, 25, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Patrick Iken, 37, Bronx, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frederick J. Ill, Jr., 49, Pearl River, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz, 51, Brooklyn, N.Y., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, World Trade Center.

Anthony P. Infante, Jr., 47, Chatham, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Louis S. Inghilterra, 45, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Christopher Noble Ingrassia, 28, Watchung, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Innella, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephanie Veronica Irby, 38, Jamaica, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Douglas Jason Irgang, 32, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Kristin Irvine-Ryan, 30, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Todd Antione Isaac, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Erik Hans Isbrandtsen, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Taizo Ishikawa, 50, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Waleed Joseph Iskandar, 34, London, England, United Kingdom, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Aram Iskenderian, Jr., 41, Merrick, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John F. Iskyan, 41, Wilton, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kazushige Ito, 35, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Aleksandr Valeryevich Ivantsov, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lacey Bernard Ivory, 42, Woodbridge, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Virginia May Jablonski, 49, Matawan, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Bryan C. Jack, 48, Alexandria, Va. and New York City, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Aaron Jeremy Jacobs, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ariel Louis Jacobs, 29, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Caplin Systems, World Trade Center.

Jason Kyle Jacobs, 32, Randolph, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Michael G. Jacobs, 54, Danbury, Conn., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Steven A. Jacobson, 53, New York, WPIX, World Trade Center.

Steven D. Jacoby, 43, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Ricknauth Jaggernauth, 58, Brooklyn, N.Y., NTX Interiors, World Trade Center.

Jake Denis Jagoda, 24, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Yudhvir S. Jain, 54, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Maria Jakubiak, 40, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Adrien Jalbert, 61, Swampscott, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Ernest James, 40, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gricelda E. James, 44, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mark Steven Jardim, 39, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Zurich Scudder Investments, World Trade Center.

Amy Nicole Jarret, 28, North Smithfield, R.I., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center

Muhammadou Jawara, 30, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Francois Jean-Pierre, 58, Elmont, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Maxima Jean-Pierre, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Paul Edward Jeffers, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Charles Jenkins, 45, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Joseph Jenkins, Jr., 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from Certified Moving & Storage Company, World Trade Center.

Alan Keith Jensen, 49, Wyckoff, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Prem Nath Jerath, 57, Edison, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Farah Jeudy, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Hweidar Jian, 42, East Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Eliezer Jimenez, Jr., 38, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Luis Jimenez, Jr., 25, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles Gregory John, 44, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.

Nicholas John, 42, New York, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from JPMorgan Chase & Co., World Trade Center.

Dennis M. Johnson, 48, Virginia, United States Army, Pentagon.

LaShawna Johnson, 27, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Scott Michael Johnson, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

William R. Johnston, 31, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Allison Horstmann Jones, 31, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Arthur Joseph Jones III, 37, Ossining, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian Leander Jones, 44, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from International Business Machines Corporation, World Trade Center.

Charles Edward Jones, 48, Bedford, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Christopher D. Jones, 53, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donald T. Jones II, 39, Livingston, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donald W. Jones, 43, Fairless Hills, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Judith Lawter Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Va., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

Linda Jones, 50, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mary S. Jones, 72, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Andrew Brian Jordan, Sr., 36, Remsenburg, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert Thomas Jordan, 34, East Williston, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Albert Gunnis Joseph, 79, New York City, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center, died 1/2/02.

Ingeborg Joseph, 53, Marriott guest, World Trade Center, died 10/9/01.

Karl Henry Joseph, 25, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Joseph, 39, Franklin Park, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Jane Eileen Josiah, 47, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Anthony Jovic, 39, Massapequa Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Angel L. Juarbe, Jr., 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Karen Sue Juday, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ann C. Judge, 49, Great Falls, Va., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Mychal F. Judge, 68, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul William Jurgens, 47, Levittown, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Edward Jurgens, 26, Meadowmere Park, N.Y., New York State Unified Court System, World Trade Center.

Shashikiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba, 26, Bangalore, India, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wipro Ltd., World Trade Center.

Gavkharoy Kamardinova, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Amish Market, World Trade Center.

Shari Kandell, 27, Wyckoff, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Howard Lee Kane, 40, Hazlet, N.J., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Jennifer Lynn Kane, 26, Fairlawn, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Vincent D. Kane, 37, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joon Koo Kang, 34, Riverdale, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sheldon Robert Kanter, 53, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Deborah H. Kaplan, 45, Paramus, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Robin Lynne Kaplan, 33, Westboro, Mass., , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Alvin Peter Kappelmann, Jr., 57, Green Brook, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from Royal & SunAlliance, World Trade Center.

Charles H. Karczewski, 34, Union, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

William A. Karnes, 37, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Douglas Gene Karpiloff, 53, Mamaroneck, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Charles L. Kasper, 54, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Andrew K. Kates, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John A. Katsimatides, 31, Astoria, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Michael Kaulfers, 49, Kenilworth, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Don Jerome Kauth, Jr., 51, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Hideya Kawauchi, 36, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Edward T. Keane, 66, West Caldwell, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Richard M. Keane, 54, Wethersfield, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lisa Yvonne Kearney-Griffin, 35, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Karol Ann Keasler, 42, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Barbara A. Keating, 72, Palm Springs, Calif., , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Paul Hanlon Keating, 38, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Leo Russell Keene III, 33, Westfield, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brenda Kegler, Capitol Heights, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Chandler Raymond Keller, 29, Manhattan Beach, Calif., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Joseph John Keller, 31, Park Ridge, N.J., Marriott International, Inc., World Trade Center.

Peter R. Kellerman, 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph P. Kellett, 37, Riverdale, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Frederick H. Kelley III, 57, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Joseph Kelly, 39, Oceanside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph A. Kelly, 40, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Maurice P. Kelly, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Richard John Kelly, Jr., 50, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Michael Kelly, 41, Wyckoff, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Thomas Richard Kelly, 39, Riverhead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas W. Kelly, 50, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy Colin Kelly, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William Hill Kelly, Jr., 30, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.

Robert Clinton Kennedy, 55, Toms River, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas J. Kennedy, 36, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Yvonne E. Kennedy, 62, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia, Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

John Richard Keohane, 41, Jersey City, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Ralph Francis Kershaw, 52, Manchester, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Ronald T. Kerwin, 42, Levittown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Howard L. Kestenbaum, 56, MONTCLAIR, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Douglas D. Ketcham, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ruth Ellen Ketler, 42, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Boris Khalif, 30, New York, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Allegiance Group, World Trade Center.

Norma Cruz Khan, 45, Reston, Va., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Sarah Khan, 32, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Taimour Firaz Khan, 29, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Rajesh Khandelwal, 33, South Plainfield, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

SeiLai Khoo, 38, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Vernon Kiefer, 25, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Satoshi Kikuchihara, 43, Scarsdale, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim, 26, Leonia, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lawrence Don Kim, 31, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Heinrich Kimmig, 43, Germany, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Karen Ann Kincaid, 40, Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Amy R. King, 29, Stafford Springs, Conn., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Andrew M. King, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lucille Teresa King, 59, Ridgewood, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert King, Jr., 36, Bellerose Terrace, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Lisa King-Johnson, 34, Rockaway Park, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian K. Kinney, 28, Lowell, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Takashi Kinoshita, 46, Rye, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Chris Michael Kirby, 21, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

Howard Barry Kirschbaum, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, Scarsdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Helen Crossin Kittle and her unborn child, 34, Larchmont, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Joseph Klares, 59, Somers, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Peter Anton Klein, 35, Weehawken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Alan David Kleinberg, 39, East Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Karen Joyce Klitzman, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ronald Philip Kloepfer, 39, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Eugueni Kniazev, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Andrew James Knox, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald visitor, World Trade Center.

Thomas Patrick Knox, 31, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rebecca Lee Koborie, 48, Guttenburg, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Deborah A. Kobus, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Gary Edward Koecheler, 57, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Frank J. Koestner, 48, Ridgewood, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ryan Kohart, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vanessa Lynn Przybylo Kolpak, 21, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Irina Kolpakova, 37, Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.

Suzanne Rose Kondratenko, 27, Chicago, Ill., Aon Corporation contractor from Keane Inc., World Trade Center.

Abdoulaye KonŽ, 37, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.Bon Seok Koo, 42, River Edge, N.J., LG Insurance Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Dorota Kopiczko, 26, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Scott Michael Kopytko, 32, Oakland Gardens, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Bojan George Kostic, 34, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Danielle Kousoulis, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David P. Kovalcin, 42, New Hampshire, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

John J. Kren, 52, Howard Beach, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center, died 10/26/01.

William Edward Krukowski, 36, Bayside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Lyudmila Ksido, 46, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Toshiya Kuge, 20, Tokyo, Japan, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Shekhar Kumar, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kenneth Bruce Kumpel, 42, Cornwall, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Frederick Kuo, Jr., 53, Great Neck, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Patricia A. Kuras, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nauka Kushitani, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Kuveikis, 48, Carmel, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Victor Kwarkye, 35, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Raymond Kui Fai Kwok, 31, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Angela Reed Kyte, 49, Boonton Township, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrew La Corte, 61, Jersey City, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Carol Ann La Plante, 59, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jeffrey G. La Touche, 49, Jamaica, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Kathryn L. LaBorie, 44, Providence, R.I., , Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Amarnauth Lachhman, 41, Valley Stream, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from PM Contracting Company, World Trade Center.

Ganesh K. Ladkat, 27, Somerset, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Patrick Ladley, 41, Colts Neck, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph A. Lafalce, 54, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeanette Louise Lafond-Menichino, 49, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David James LaForge, 50, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Patrick LaForte, 39, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alan Charles LaFrance, 43, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Juan Mendez Lafuente, 61, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.

Neil Kwong-Wah Lai, 59, Hightstown, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Vincent Anthony Laieta, 31, Edison, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

William David Lake, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Franco Lalama, 45, Nutley, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Chow Kwan Lam, 48, Maywood, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Michael S. Lamana, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Stephen LaMantia, 38, Darien, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Amy Hope Lamonsoff, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Robert T. Lane, 28, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Brendan Mark Lang, 30, Structure Tone, World Trade Center.

Rosanne P. Lang, 42, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vanessa Lang Langer and her unborn child, 29, Yonkers, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.

Mary Lou Langley, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Peter J. Langone, 41, Roslyn Heights, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Michael Langone, 39, Williston Park, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Michele Bernadette Lanza, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Ruth Sheila Lapin, 53, East Windsor, N.J., Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

Ingeborg A.D. Lariby, 42, New York City, Regus PLC, World Trade Center.

Robin Blair Larkey, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Judith Camilla Larocque, 50, Framingham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Christopher Randall Larrabee, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Hamidou S. Larry, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Scott Larsen, 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John Adam Larson, 37, Colonia, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Natalie Janis Lasden, 46, Peabody, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Gary Edward Lasko, 49, Memphis, Tenn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nicholas Craig Lassman, 28, Cliffside Park, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Laszczynski, 49, New Jersey, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Charles A. Laurencin, 61, Brooklyn, N.Y., Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Stephen James Lauria, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Maria LaVache, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Denis Francis Lavelle, 42, Yonkers, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jeannine Mary LaVerde, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anna A. Laverty, 52, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Steven Lawn, 28, Princeton, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert A. Lawrence, Jr., 41, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Nathaniel Lawson, 61, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

David W. Laychak, 40, Manassas, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Eugen Gabriel Lazar, 27, Glendale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Patrick Leahy, 38, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Gerard Leavey, 45, Pelham, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Neil J. Leavy, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert G. LeBlanc, 70, Lee, N.H., , Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Leon Lebor, 51, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Charles Ledee, 38, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alan J. Lederman, 43, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Elena F. Ledesma, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alexis Leduc, 45, Bronx, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Daniel John Lee, 33, Van Nuys, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

David S. Lee, 37, West Orange, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Dong Chul Lee, Leesburg, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Gary H. Lee, 62, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Hyun Joon Lee, 32, Flushing, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Juanita Lee, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kathryn Blair Lee, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Linda C. Lee, 34, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Jennison Associates, World Trade Center.

Lorraine Mary Greene Lee, 37, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Myoung Woo Lee, 41, Lyndhurst, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Richard Y.C. Lee, 34, Great Neck, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stuart Soo-Jin Lee, 30, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.

Yang Der Lee, 63, Richmond, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Stephen Paul Lefkowitz, 50, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Adriana Legro, 32, Elmhurst, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Joseph Lehman, 41, Glen Cove, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Eric Lehrfeld, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Random Walk Computing Inc., World Trade Center.

David R. Leistman, 43, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Prudencio Lemagne, 27, North Bergen, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Anthony Lenihan, 41, Cos Cob, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Joseph Lennon, Jr., 44, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

John Robinson Lenoir, 38, Locust Valley, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Jorge Luis Le-n, Sr., 43, Union City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Matthew G. Leonard, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Lepore, 39, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles A. Lesperance, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, World Trade Center.

Jeff LeVeen, 55, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Dennis Levi, 50, Brooklyn, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Alisha Caren Levin, 33, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Neil David Levin, 46, New York City, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Robert Levine, 56, Babylon, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Michael Levine, 66, Baseline Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Shai Levinhar, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel M. Lewin, 31, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Adam Jay Lewis, 36, Fairfield, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer Lewis, 37, Culpeper, Va., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Kenneth E. Lewis, 49, Culpeper, Va., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Margaret Susan Lewis, 49, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Ye Wei Liang, 27, Woodside, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Orasri Liangthanasarn, 26, Bayonne, N.J., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Daniel F. Libretti, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ralph Michael Licciardi, 30, West Hempstead, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from P.E. Stone, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Lichtschein, 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Samantha L. Lightbourn-Allen, 36, Forestville, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Steven Barry Lillianthal, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Carlos R. Lillo, 37, North Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Craig Damian Lilore, 30, Lyndhurst, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Arnold Arboleda Lim, 28, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Darya Lin, 32, Chicago, Ill., Aon Corporation contractor from Keane Inc., World Trade Center.

Wei Rong Lin, 31, Frank W. Lin & Co., World Trade Center.

Nickie L. Lindo, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.

Thomas V. Linehan, Jr., 39, Monteville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Thomas Linnane, 33, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alan Patrick Linton, Jr., 26, Port Liberte, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Diane Theresa Lipari, 42, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth P. Lira ArŽvalo, 28, Paterson, N.J., Genuity Solutions, World Trade Center.

Francisco Alberto Liriano, 33, Rego Park, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.

Lorraine Lisi, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Paul Lisson, 45, Pitney Bowes Inc., World Trade Center.

Vincent M. Litto, 52, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ming-Hao Liu, 41, New Jersey, Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Nancy Liz, 38, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Harold Lizcano, 31, East Elmhurst, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Martin Lizzul, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from Kestrel Technology, World Trade Center.

George A. Llanes, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Elizabeth C. Logler, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Catherine Lisa Loguidice, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jerome Robert Lohez, 30, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Michael William Lomax, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Stephen V. Long, 39, United States Army, Pentagon.

Laura Maria Longing, 35, Pearl River, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Salvatore P. Lopes, 40, Franklin Square, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Daniel Lopez, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

George Lopez, 40, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Luis Manuel Lopez, 39, Aramark Corporation, World Trade Center.

Maclovio Lopez, Jr., 41, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Manuel L. Lopez, 54, Jersey City, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Lostrangio, 43, Langhorne, Pa., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Devonshire Service Group, Inc., World Trade Center.

Chet Dek Louie, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stuart Seid Louis, 43, New Jersey, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Joseph Lovero, 60, Jersey City, N.J., Jersey City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sara Elizabeth Low, 28, Boston, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong, 25, New York, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael W. Lowe, 48, Liberty Electric Supply, World Trade Center.

Garry W. Lozier, 47, Darien, Conn., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

John P. Lozowsky, 45, Skaneateles Falls, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Allegiance Group, World Trade Center.

Charles Peter Lucania, 34, Long Beach, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from P.E. Stone, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Hobbs Luckett II, 40, Fair Haven, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Gavin Ludvigsen, 32, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lee Charles Ludwig, 49, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Sean Thomas Lugano, 28, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daniel Lugo, 45, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Marie Lukas, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William Lum, Jr., 45, New York City, Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Michael P. Lunden, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher E. Lunder, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony Luparello, 62, Corona, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Gary Frederick Lutnick, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Linda Anne Luzzicone, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alexander Lygin, 28, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

CeeCee Lyles, 33, Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Farrell Peter Lynch, 39, Centerport, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center

James Francis Lynch, 47, Edison, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

James T. Lynch, Jr., 55, Manassas, Va., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

Louise A. Lynch, 58, Amityville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Cameron Lynch, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Francis Lynch, 30, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Francis Lynch, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Richard D. Lynch, Jr., 30, Bedford Hills, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Robert Henry Lynch, Jr., 44, Cranford, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Sean P. Lynch, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sean Patrick Lynch, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Terence M. Lynch, 49, Alexandria, Va., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.

Michael J. Lyons, 32, Hawthorne, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Monica Anne Lyons, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nehamon Lyons IV, 30, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Patrick John Lyons, 34, Setauket, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert Francis Mace, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marianne MacFarlane, 34, Revere, Mass., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Jan Maciejewski, 37, Astoria, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Susan A. Mackay, 44, Westford, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Catherine Fairfax MacRae, 23, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard Blaine Madden, 35, Westfield, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Simon Maddison, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Noell C. Maerz, 29, Long Beach, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Jennieann Maffeo, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., UBS Paine Webber, World Trade Center, died 10/22/01.

Joseph Maffeo, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jay Robert Magazine, 48, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Brian Magee, 52, Floral Park, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.

Charles W. Magee, 51, Nassau County, N.Y., Silverstein Properties, World Trade Center.

Joseph V. Maggitti, 47, Abingdon, Md., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ronald Magnuson, 57, Park Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Daniel L. Maher, 50, Hamilton, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.Thomas A. Mahon, 37, East Norwich, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William J. Mahoney, 37, Bohemia, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Daniel Maio, 33, Roslyn Harbor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Linda C. Mair-Grayling, 46, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Takashi Makimoto, 49, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Abdu Ali Malahi, 37, Marriott International, Inc., World Trade Center.

Debora I. Maldonado, 47, Jamaica, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto, 49, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Alfred Russell Maler, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregory James Malone, 42, Hoboken, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Edward Francis Maloney III, 32, Darien, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph E. Maloney, 45, Farmingville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gene Edward Maloy, 41, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christian H. Maltby, 37, Chatham, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Francisco Miguel Mancini, 26, Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.

Joseph Mangano, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sara Elizabeth Manley, 31, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Debra M. Mannetta, 31, Islip, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Marion Victoria Manning, 27, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Terence John Manning, 36, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Arc Partners, Inc., World Trade Center.

James Maounis, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Alfred Gilles Padre Joseph Marchand, 44, Alamogordo, N.M., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Joseph Ross Marchbanks, Jr., 47, Rockland County, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Laura A. Marchese, 35, Oceanside, N.Y., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Hilda Marcin, 79, Mount Olive Township, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Peter Edward Mardikian, 29, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Imagine Software, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Joseph Mardovich, 42, Lloyd Harbor, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Charles Joseph Margiotta, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Louis Neil Mariani, 58, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Kenneth Joseph Marino, 40, Monroe, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Lester V. Marino, 57, North Massapequa, N.Y., Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.

Vita Marino, 48, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Kevin D. Marlo, 28, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Jose Juan Marrero, 32, Old Bridge, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

John Daniel Marshall, 35, Congers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Shelley A. Marshall, 37, Marbury, Md., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

James Martello, 41, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael A. Marti, 26, Glendale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Karen Ann Martin, 40, Danvers, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Peter C. Martin, 43, Miller Place, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Teresa M. Martin, 45, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

William J. Martin, Jr., 35, Denville, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian E. Martineau, 37, Edison, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Betsy Martinez, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edward J. Martinez, 60, Elmhurst, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jose Angel Martinez, Jr., 49, Hauppauge, N.Y., Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.

Robert Gabriel Martinez, 23, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Waleska Martinez, 37, Jersey City, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Lizie D. Martinez-Calderon, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Paul Richard Martini, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Anne Marie Martino-Cramer, 47, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Joseph A. Mascali, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Bernard Mascarenhas, 54, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Stephen Frank Masi, 55, Selden, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ada L. Mason-Acker, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Nicholas George Massa, 65, New York, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Massaroli, 38, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Philip William Mastrandrea, Jr., 42, Chatham, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rudy Mastrocinque, 43, Kings Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Mathai, 49, Arlington, Mass., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Cambridge Technology Partners, World Trade Center.

Charles William Mathers, 61, Sea Girt, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

William A. Mathesen, 40, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Marcello Matricciano, 31, Jackson Heights, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Margaret Elaine Mattic, 51, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Dean E. Mattson, 57, United States Army, Pentagon.

Robert D. Mattson, 54, Green Pond, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Walter A. Matuza, Jr., 39, Staten Island, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Timothy J. Maude, 53, Ft. Myers, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Jill Maurer-Campbell, 31, Middle Village, N.Y., Baseline Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Charles A. Mauro, Jr., 65, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Charles J. Mauro, 38, Staten Island, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Dorothy Mauro, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nancy T. Mauro, 51, Forest Hills, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert J. Maxwell, 53, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Renee A. May and her unborn child, 39, Baltimore, Md., , Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.

Tyrone May, 44, Rahway, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Keithroy Marcellus Maynard, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert J. Mayo, 46, Morganville, N.J., World Trade Center Fire Safety, World Trade Center.

Kathy N. Mazza, 46, Farmingdale, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Edward Mazzella, Jr., 62, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jennifer Lynn Mazzotta, 23, Maspeth, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kaaria Mbaya, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Joseph McAlary, Jr., 42, New Jersey, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian Gerard McAleese, 36, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Patricia Ann McAneney, 50, Rockland County, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Colin R. McArthur, 52, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

John Kevin McAvoy, 47, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kenneth M. McBrayer, 49, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Brendan F. McCabe, 40, Sayville, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Michael McCabe, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph McCann, 46, Woodside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Justin McCarthy, 29, Port Washington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin M. McCarthy, 42, Fairfield, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Desmond McCarthy, 33, Huntington, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert G. McCarthy, 33, Stony Point, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stanley McCaskill, 47, New York City, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Katie Marie McCloskey, 25, Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from DirectFit, World Trade Center.

Juliana Valentine McCourt, 4, New London, Conn., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Ruth Magdaline McCourt, 45, New London, Conn., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Charles Austin McCrann, 55, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Tonyell F. McDay, 25, Colonia, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Matthew T. McDermott, 34, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph P. McDonald, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian Grady McDonnell, 38, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Michael P. McDonnell, 33, Middletown, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

John F. McDowell, Jr., 33, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Eamon J. McEneaney, 46, New Canaan, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Thomas McErlean, Jr., 39, Larchmont, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel Francis McGinley, 40, Ridgewood, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mark Ryan McGinly, 26, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

William E. McGinn, 43, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Henry McGinnis, 41, Oakland, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Gregory McGinty, 42, Foxboro, Mass., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ann Walsh McGovern, 68, East Meadow, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Scott Martin McGovern, 35, Wyckoff, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

William J. McGovern, 49, Smithtown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stacey Sennas McGowan, 38, Basking Ridge, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Francis Noel McGuinn, 48, Rye, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas F. McGuinness, Jr., 42, Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Patrick J. McGuire, 40, Madison, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Thomas M. McHale, 33, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Keith David McHeffey, 31, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ann M. McHugh, 35, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Denis J. McHugh III, 36, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Dennis P. McHugh, 34, Sparkill, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Edward McHugh, Jr., 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert G. McIlvaine, 26, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., World Trade Center.

Donald James McIntyre, 38, New York City, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Stephanie Marie McKenna, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Molly L. McKenzie, 38, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Barry J. McKeon, 47, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Evelyn C. McKinnedy, 60, Aramark Corporation, World Trade Center.

Darryl Leron McKinney, 26, Bronx, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George Patrick McLaughlin, Jr., 36, Hoboken, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert C. McLaughlin, Jr., 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gavin McMahon, 35, Bayonne, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert D. McMahon, 35, Woodside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Edmund M. McNally, 40, Fair Haven, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Daniel Walker McNeal, 29, Jersey City, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Walter Arthur McNeil, 53, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Christine Sheila McNulty, 42, Peterborough, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Accenture, World Trade Center.

Sean Peter McNulty, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert William McPadden, 30, Pearl River, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Terence A. McShane, 37, West Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy Patrick McSweeney, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Martin E. McWilliams, 35, Kings Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Rocco A. Medaglia, 49, Melville, N.Y., NTX Interiors, World Trade Center.

Abigail Medina, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., Guy Carpenter & Company, World Trade Center.

Ana Iris Medina, 39, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Damian Meehan, 32, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

William J. Meehan, Jr., 49, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alok Kumar Mehta, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Raymond Meisenheimer, 46, West Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Manuel Emilio Mejia, 54, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Eskedar Melaku, 31, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Antonio Melendez, 30, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Mary P. Melendez, 44, Stroudsburg, Pa., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Christopher D. Mello, 25, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Yelena Melnichenko, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Stuart Todd Meltzer, 32, Syosset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Diarelia Jovanah Mena, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dora Marie Menchaca, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Charles R. Mendez, 38, Floral Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Lizette Mendoza, 33, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Shevonne Olicia Mentis, 25, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Wolfgang Peter Menzel, 59, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Steve John Mercado, 38, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Wesley Mercer, 70, New York City, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Ralph Joseph Mercurio, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alan Harvey Merdinger, 47, Allentown, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

George L. Merino, 39, Bayside, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Yamel Josefina Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

George Merkouris, 35, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Deborah Merrick, 45, New York City, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center, died 10/30/01.

Raymond Joseph Metz III, 37, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Jill Ann Metzler, 32, Franklin Square, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

David Robert Meyer, 57, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nurul H. Miah, 35, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

William Edward Micciulli, 30, Old Bridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Martin Paul Michelstein, 57, Morristown, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from American International Group, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patricia E. Mickley, 41, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Ronald D. Milam, 33, Brandywine, Md., United States Army, Pentagon.

Peter Teague Milano, 43, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregory Milanowycz, 25, Cranford, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lukasz Tomasz Milewski, 21, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Sharon Christina Millan, 31, New York City, Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.

Corey Peter Miller, 34, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Craig J. Miller, 29, United States Secret Service, World Trade Center.

Douglas C. Miller, 34, Port Jervis, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Henry Alfred Miller, Jr., 51, Massapequa, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joel Miller, 55, Baldwin, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Matthew Miller, 39, Englewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nicole Carol Miller, 21, San Jose, Calif., , Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Philip D. Miller, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert Alan Miller, 46, Old Bridge, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Robert Cromwell Miller, Jr., 55, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Benny Millman, 40, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from Certified Moving & Storage Company, World Trade Center.

Charles M. Mills, Jr., 61, Brentwood, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Revenue Crimes Bureau, World Trade Center.

Ronald Keith Milstein, 54, Whitestone, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Robert J. Minara, 54, Carmel, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William George Minardi, 46, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Louis Joseph Minervino, 54, Middletown, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas Mingione, 34, West Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Wilbert Miraille, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Domenick N. Mircovich, 40, Closter, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Rajesh Arjan Mirpuri, 30, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.

Joseph D. Mistrulli, 47, Wantagh, N.Y., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.

Susan J. Miszkowicz, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Richard P. Miuccio, 55, Staten Island, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Peter Mladenik, 43, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Frank V. Moccia, Sr., 57, Hauppauge, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Boyie Mohammed, 50, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dennis Mojica, 50, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Manuel D. Mojica, Jr., 37, Bellmore, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kleber Rolando Molina, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Manuel De Jesus Molina, 31, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Carl Molinaro, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Justin John Molisani, Jr., 42, Lincroft, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, New York City, Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

Franklyn Monahan, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Gerard Monahan, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kristen Leigh Montanaro, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Craig Montano, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael G. Montesi, 39, Highland Mills, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carlos Alberto Montoya, 36, Belmont, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Antonio De Jesus Montoya Valdes, 47, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Cheryl Ann Monyak, 43, Greenwich, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas Carlo Moody, 45, Stony Brook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sharon Moore, 37, Jamaica, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Krishna V. Moorthy, 59, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Abner Morales, 37, Ozone Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Carlos Manuel Morales, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paula E. Morales, 42, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Sonia Mercedes Morales Puopolo, 62, Dover, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Gerard P. Moran, Jr., United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.

John Christopher Moran, 38, Surrey, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Accenture, World Trade Center.

John Michael Moran, 42, Rockaway, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Moran, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Lindsay Stapleton Morehouse, 24, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

George William Morell, 47, Mount Kisco, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven P. Morello, 52, Bayonne, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Vincent S. Morello, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Yvette Nicole Moreno, 24, Bronx, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dorothy Morgan, 47, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard J. Morgan, 66, Glen Rock, N.J., Public Utility Emergency Management, World Trade Center.

Nancy Morgenstern, 32, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sanae Mori, 27, Tokyo, Japan, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Blanca Robertina Morocho Morocho, 26, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Leonel Geronimo Morocho Morocho, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Dennis Gerard Moroney, 39, Eastchester, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lynne Irene Morris, 22, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Odessa V. Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Seth Allan Morris, 35, Kinnelon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steve Morris, 31, Ormond Beach, Fla., Marsh & McLennan visitor from Oracle Corporation, World Trade Center.

Christopher Martel Morrison, 34, Charlestown, Mass., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Zurich Scudder Investments, World Trade Center.

Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63, Lakewood, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

William David Moskal, 50, Brecksville, Ohio, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian A. Moss, 34, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Marco Motroni, 56, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Cynthia Motus-Wilson, 52, Warwick, N.Y., International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.

Iouri A. Mouchinski, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.

Jude Joseph Moussa, 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Moutos, 46, Chatham, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Damion O'Neil Mowatt, 21, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Teddington H. Moy, 48, Silver Spring, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Christopher Michael Mozzillo, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Vincent Mulderry, 33, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard T. Muldowney, Jr., 40, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael D. Mullan, 34, Flushing, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter James Mulligan, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Mullin, 27, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Donald Munhall, 45, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Nancy Mu iz, 45, Ridgewood, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Francisco Heladio Munoz, 29, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Carlos Mario Mu oz, 43, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Theresa Munson, 54, Broad Channel, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert Michael Murach, 45, Montclair, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Cesar Augusto Murillo, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marc A. Murolo, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian Joseph Murphy, 41, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Charles Anthony Murphy, 38, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher W. Murphy, 35, Easton, Md., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Charles Murphy, 42, Clifton, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James F. Murphy IV, 30, Garden City, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

James Thomas Murphy, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin James Murphy, 40, Northport, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Berkeley Heights, N.J., United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.

Patrick Sean Murphy, 36, Millburn, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Raymond E. Murphy, 46, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert Eddie Murphy, Jr., 56, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.

Mary Catherine Murphy-Boffa, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Joseph Murray, 32, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Joseph Murray, 52, Colts Neck, N.J., Fuji Bank visitor from Mizuho Financial Group, World Trade Center.

Susan D. Murray, 54, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Valerie Victoria Murray, 65, Ohrenstein & Brown, World Trade Center.

Richard Todd Myhre, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Louis J. Nacke II, 42, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Robert B. Nagel, 55, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mildred Rose Naiman, 81, Andover, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Takuya Nakamura, 30, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Nishi-Nippon Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Alexander John Robert Napier, 38, Morristown, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Frank Joseph Naples III, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Philip Napolitano, 33, Ronkokoma, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Catherine Ann Nardella, 40, Bloomfield, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mario Nardone, Jr., 32, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Manika K. Narula, 22, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Shawn M. Nassaney, 25, Pawtucket, R.I., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Narender Nath, 32, Colonia, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Karen Susan Navarro, 30, Oakland Gardens, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph M. Navas, 44, Paramus, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Francis Joseph Nazario, 28, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Glenroy I. Neblett, 42, Jamaica, N.Y., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Rayman Marcus Neblett, 31, Roslyn Heights, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jerome O. Nedd, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Laurence F. Nedell, 52, Lindenhurst, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Luke G. Nee, 44, Stony Point, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Pete Negron, 34, Bergenfield, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Laurie Ann Neira, 48, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Ann N. Nelson, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David William Nelson, 50, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ginger Risco Nelson, 48, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

James A. Nelson, 40, Clark, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Michele Ann Nelson, 27, North Valley Stream, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Allen Nelson, 42, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Oscar Francis Nesbitt, 58, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Gerard Terence Nevins, 46, Campbell Hall, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Renee Tetreault Newell, 37, Cranston, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Christopher C. Newton, 38, Ashburn, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Christopher Newton-Carter, 51, Middletown, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Nancy Yuen Ngo, 36, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Khang Ngoc Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, Va., United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.

Jody Tepedino Nichilo, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Ann Nicosia, 54, Winthrop, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Martin Stewart Niederer, 23, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alfonse Joseph Niedermeyer, 40, Manasquan, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Frank John Niestadt, Jr., 55, Long Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Gloria Nieves, 48, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Juan Nieves, Jr., 56, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Troy Edward Nilsen, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Nimbley, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Ballantine Niven, 44, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Katherine McGarry Noack, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Telekurs Group, World Trade Center.

Curtis Terrance Noel, 22, Bronx, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Michael A. Noeth, 30, Fort Myer, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Daniel R. Nolan, 44, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Walter Noonan, 36, Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jacqueline June Norton, 61, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Robert Grant Norton, 85, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Daniela Rosalia Notaro, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian Christopher Novotny, 33, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Soichi Numata, 45, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Brian Nunez, 29, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jose Nunez, 42, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Roger Nussbaum, 37, Oceanside, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dennis Patrick O'Berg, 28, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

James P. O'Brien, Jr., 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael P. O'Brien, 42, Cedar Knolls, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Scott J. O'Brien, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Slam Dunk Networks, Inc., World Trade Center.

Timothy Michael O'Brien, 40, Old Brookville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel O'Callaghan, 42, Smithtown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Dennis James O'Connor, Jr., 34, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Diana J. O'Connor, 37, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Keith Kevin O'Connor, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard J. O'Connor, 49, LaGrangeville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Amy O'Doherty, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marni Pont O'Doherty, 31, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

James Andrew O'Grady, 32, Harrington Park, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Thomas G. O'Hagan, 43, Riverdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Patrick J. O'Keefe, 44, Oakdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

William O'Keefe, 48, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gerald Thomas O'Leary, 34, Stony Point, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Matthew Timothy O'Mahony, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John P. O'Neill, 49, Silverstein Properties, World Trade Center.

Peter J. O'Neill, Jr., 21, Valley Stream, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Sean Gordon Corbett O'Neill, 34, Rye, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin M. O'Rourke, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Patrick J. O'Shea, 45, Farmingdale, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert William O'Shea, 47, Wall, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Timothy Franklin O'Sullivan, 68, Albrightsville, Pa., Cultural Institutions Retirement System, World Trade Center.

James A. Oakley, 52, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Douglas E. Oelschlager, 36, St. James, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Takashi Ogawa, 37, Tokyo, Japan, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Albert Ogletree, 49, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Philip Paul Ognibene, 39, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

John A. Ogonowski, 50, Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Joseph J. Ogren, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Samuel Oitice, 45, Peekskill, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Gerald Michael Olcott, 55, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christine Anne Olender, 39, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Linda Mary Oliva, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward K. Oliver, 31, Jackson, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Leah Elizabeth Oliver, 24, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Eric Taube Olsen, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey James Olsen, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Barbara K. Olson, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Maureen Lyons Olson, 50, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Steven John Olson, 38, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Toshihiro Onda, 39, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Seamus L. Oneal, 52, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Betty Ann Ong, 45, Andover, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Michael C. Opperman, 45, Selden, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Christopher T. Orgielewicz, 35, Larchmont, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Margaret Quinn Orloske, 50, Windsor, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Virginia Anne Ormiston, 42, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ruben S. Ornedo, 39, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Ronald Orsini, 59, Hillsdale, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Keith Ortale, 37, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Juan Ortega-Campos, 32, Fine & Schapiro, World Trade Center.

Jane Marie Orth, 49, Haverhill, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Alexander Ortiz, 36, Empire BlueCross BlueShield contractor, World Trade Center.

David Ortiz, 37, Nanuet, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Emilio Pete Ortiz, 38, Queens, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Pablo Ortiz, 49, Staten Island, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Paul Ortiz, Jr., 21, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.

Sonia Ortiz, 58, Flushing, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Masaru Ose, 36, Fort Lee, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Elsy Carolina Osorio Oliva, 27, Flushing, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

James R. Ostrowski, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jason Douglas Oswald, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael John Otten, 42, East Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Isidro D. Ottenwalder, 35, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Michael Chung Ou, 53, New York, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Todd Joseph Ouida, 25, River Edge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jesus Ovalles, 60, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Peter J. Owens, Jr., 42, Williston Park, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Adianes Oyola, 23, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Angel M. Pabon, Jr., 53, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Israel Pabon, Jr., 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Roland Pacheco, 25, Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Michael Benjamin Packer, 45, Hartsdale, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., World Trade Center.

Diana B. Padro, 55, Woodbridge, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Deepa Pakkala, 31, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Palazzo, 44, Armonk, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard A. Palazzolo, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Orio Joseph Palmer, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Frank Anthony Palombo, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alan N. Palumbo, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher Matthew Panatier, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dominique Lisa Pandolfo, 27, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jonas Martin Panik, 26, United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.

Paul J. Pansini, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John M. Paolillo, 51, Glen Head, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Edward Joseph Papa, 47, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Salvatore T. Papasso, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Revenue Crimes Bureau, World Trade Center.

James Nicholas Pappageorge, 29, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Marie Pappalardo, 53, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Vinod Kumar Parakat, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vijayashanker Paramsothy, 23, Astoria, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Nitin Ramesh Parandkar, 27, Woodbrige, N.J., Marsh & McLennan visitor from Oracle Corporation, World Trade Center.

Hardai Parbhu, 42, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

James Wendell Parham, 32, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Debra Marie Paris, 48, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

George Paris, 33, Carmel, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gye Hyong Park, 28, Flushing, N.Y., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, World Trade Center.

Philip Lacey Parker, 53, Skillman, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Alaine Parkes, 27, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert E. Parks, Jr., 47, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Hashmukh C. Parmar, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Parro, 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Diane Marie Parsons, 58, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Leobardo Lopez Pascual, 42, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Michael J. Pascuma, Jr., 50, Massapequa Park, N.Y., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jerrold Hughes Paskins, 57, Anaheim Hills, Calif., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Devonshire Service Group, Inc., World Trade Center.

Horace Robert Passananti, 55, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Suzanne H. Passaro, 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Avnish Ramanbhai Patel, 28, New York, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dipti Patel, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Manish Patel, 29, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Steven Bennett Paterson, 40, Ridgewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Matthew Patrick, 30, Norwalk, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Manuel D. Patrocino, 34, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Bernard E. Patterson, 46, Upper Brookville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Clifford L. Patterson, Jr., 33, Alexandria, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Cira Marie Patti, 40, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert E. Pattison, 40, WCBS-TV, World Trade Center.

James Robert Paul, 58, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patrice Paz, 51, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Victor Hugo Paz, 43, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Stacey Lynn Peak, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Allen Pearlman, 18, Howard Beach, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Durrell V. Pearsall, Jr., 34, Hempstead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Nicholas Pecorelli, 30, Topanga Canyon, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Thomas Pedicini, 30, Woodside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Todd Douglas Pelino, 34, Fair Haven, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mike Adrian Pelletier, 36, Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony G. Peluso, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., Structure Tone, World Trade Center.

Angel R. Pena, 45, River Vale, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Robert Penninger, 63, Poway, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Richard Al Penny, 53, Project Renewal, World Trade Center.

Salvatore F. Pepe, 45, Elmhurst, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Carl Allen B. Peralta, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert David Peraza, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jon A. Perconti, Jr., 32, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alejo Perez, 66, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Angel Perez, Jr., 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Angela Susan Perez, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anthony Perez, 33, Locust Valley, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ivan Antonio Perez, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Nancy E. Perez, 36, Secaucus, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Berry Berenson Perkins, 53, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Joseph John Perroncino, 33, Smithtown, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edward J. Perrotta, 43, Mt. Sinai, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Emelda H. Perry, 52, Elmont, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Glenn C. Perry, Sr., 41, Monroe, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John William Perry, 38, New York City, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Franklin Allan Pershep, 59, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Danny Pesce, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael John Pescherine, 32, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Davin N. Peterson, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donald Arthur Peterson, 66, Spring Lake, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Jean Hoadley Peterson, 55, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

William Russell Peterson, 46, Breezy Point, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mark James Petrocelli, 28, Staten Island, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Philip Scott Petti, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Glen Kerrin Pettit, 30, Ronkonkoma, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Dominick A. Pezzulo, 36, Bronx, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Kaleen Elizabeth Pezzuti, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin J. Pfeifer, 42, Middle Village, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Tu-Anh Pham, 42, Princeton, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth John Phelan, Sr., 41, Maspeth, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sneha Anne Philip, 31, New York City, World Trade Center.

Eugenia McCann Piantieri, 55, Riverdale, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ludwig John Picarro, 44, Basking Ridge, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Matthew Picerno, 44, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph O. Pick, 40, Hoboken, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Christopher J. Pickford, 32, Glendale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Dennis J. Pierce, 54, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Bernard Pietronico, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nicholas P. Pietrunti, 38, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Theodoros Pigis, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., OneSource, World Trade Center.

Susan Elizabeth Pinto, 44, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Piskadlo, 48, North Arlington, N.J., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Todd Pitman, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joshua Michael Piver, 23, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert R. Ploger III, 59, Annandale, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Zandra F. Ploger, 48, Annandale, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Joseph Plumitallo, 45, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John M. Pocher, 36, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William Howard Pohlmann, 56, Ardsley, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Laurence Michael Polatsch, 32, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas H. Polhemus, 39, Morris Plains, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Accenture, World Trade Center.

Steve Pollicino, 48, Plainview, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan M. Pollio, 45, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Darin H. Pontell, 26, Gaithersburg, Md., United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.

Joshua Iosua Poptean, 37, North Flushing, N.Y., Bronx Builders, World Trade Center.

Giovanna Porras, 24, South Ozone Park, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Anthony Portillo, 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., Raytheon Company, World Trade Center.

James Edward Potorti, 52, Princeton, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daphne Pouletsos, 47, Westwood, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Richard N. Poulos, 55, Levittown, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stephen Emanual Poulos, 45, Basking Ridge, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Brandon Jerome Powell, 26, Bronx, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Scott Alan Powell, 35, Silver Spring, Md., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.

Shawn Edward Powell, 32, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Antonio Dorsey Pratt, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Gregory M. Preziose, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Wanda Ivelisse Prince, 30, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Vincent A. Princiotta, 39, Orangeburg, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kevin M. Prior, 28, Bellmore, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Everett Martin Proctor III, 44, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Carrie Beth Progen, 25, Ashburnham, Mass., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

David Lee Pruim, 53, Upper Montclair, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Richard A. Prunty, 57, Sayville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John Foster Puckett, 47, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Robert David Pugliese, 47, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward F. Pullis, 34, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Patricia Ann Puma, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., Julien J. Studley, World Trade Center.

Jack D. Punches, 50, Clifton, Va., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

Hemanth Kumar Puttur, 27, India, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wipro Ltd., World Trade Center.

Joseph J. Pycior, Jr., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Edward R. Pykon, 33, West Windsor, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher Quackenbush, 44, Manhasset, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Lars Peter Qualben, 49, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lincoln QuappŽ, 38, Sayville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Beth Ann Quigley, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Patrick J. Quigley IV, 40, Wellesley, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Michael T. Quilty, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

James Francis Quinn, 23, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ricardo J. Quinn, 40, Bayside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carol Millicent Rabalais, 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Christopher Peter Anthony Racaniello, 30, Douglaston, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Leonard J. Ragaglia, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Eugene J. Raggio, 55, Staten Island, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Laura Marie Ragonese-Snik, 41, Bangor, Pa., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Paul Ragusa, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Peter Frank Raimondi, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Harry A. Raines, 37, Bethpage, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lisa J. Raines, 42, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Ehtesham Raja, 28, TCG Software Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

Valsa Raju, 40, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward J. Rall, 44, Holbrook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Lukas Rambousek, 27, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Maria Ramirez, 25, Langan Engineering, World Trade Center.

Harry Ramos, 45, May Davis Group Inc., World Trade Center.

Vishnoo Ramsaroop, 44, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Deborah A. Ramsaur, 45, Annandale, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Lorenzo E. Ramzey, 48, Northport, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Alfred Todd Rancke, 42, Summit, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Adam David Rand, 30, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jonathan C. Randall, 42, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Shreyas S. Ranganath, 26, Hackensack, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anne T. Ransom, 45, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Faina Rapoport, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Accenture, World Trade Center.

Rhonda Sue Rasmussen, 44, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Robert A. Rasmussen, 42, Hinsdale, Ill., Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

Amenia Rasool, 33, Richmond Hill, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

R. Mark Rasweiler, 53, Flemington, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Marsha D. Ratchford, 34, United States Navy, Pentagon.

David Alan James Rathkey, 47, Mountain Lakes, N.J., IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

William Ralph Raub, 38, Saddle River, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.Gerard F. Rauzi, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Alexey Razuvaev, 40, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Gregory Reda, 33, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sarah Anne Redheffer, 35, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Michele Marie Reed, 26, Ringoes, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Judith Ann Reese, 56, Kearny, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Donald J. Regan, 47, Pine Bush, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert M. Regan, 48, Floral Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Michael Regan, 43, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, 28, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Howard Reich, 59, Forest Hills, N.Y., Pitney Bowes Inc., World Trade Center.

Gregg Reidy, 25, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Brian Reilly, 25, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kevin O. Reilly, 28, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy E. Reilly, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Reina, Jr., 32, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Barnes Reinig, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frank Bennett Reisman, 41, Princeton, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joshua Scott Reiss, 23, New York City and Yardley, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Karen Renda, 52, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

John Armand Reo, 28, Larchmont, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Richard Cyril Rescorla, 62, Morristown, N.J., Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

John Thomas Resta, 40, Bayside, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sylvia San Pio Resta and her unborn child, 26, Bayside, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Martha M. Reszke, 56, Stafford, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

David E. Retik, 33, Needham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Todd H. Reuben, 40, Potomac, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Luis Clodoaldo Revilla Mier, 54, Yonkers, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Eduvigis Reyes, Jr., 37, Richmond Hill, N.Y., Rohde & Liesenfeld, Inc., World Trade Center.

Bruce Albert Reynolds, 41, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

John Frederick Rhodes, 57, Howell, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Francis Saverio Riccardelli, 40, Westwood, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Rudolph N. Riccio, 51, Bronx, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ann Marie Riccoboni, 58, Ohrenstein & Brown, World Trade Center.

David Harlow Rice, 31, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Eileen Mary Rice, 57, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Frederick Rice III, 34, Hicksville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

CeCelia E. Richard, 41, Fort Washington, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Vernon Allan Richard, 53, Nanuet, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Claude Daniel Richards, 46, New York City, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Gregory David Richards, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Richards, 38, World Views artist studios, World Trade Center.

Venesha Orintia Richards, 26, North Brunswick, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jimmy Riches, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alan Jay Richman, 44, Riverdale, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John M. Rigo, 48, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Frederick Charles Rimmele III, 32, Marblehead, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Rose Mary Riso, 55, Queens, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Moises N. Rivas, 29, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Joseph R. Rivelli, Jr., 43, Inwood, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carmen Alicia Rivera, 33, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Isaias Rivera, 51, Perth Amboy, N.J., WCBS-TV, World Trade Center.

Juan William Rivera, 27, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Linda Ivelisse Rivera, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David E. Rivers, 40, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Joseph R. Riverso, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul V. Rizza, 34, Park Ridge, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

John Frank Rizzo, 50, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

Stephen Louis Roach, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Roberto, 37, Midland Park, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Leo Arthur Roberts, 44, Wayne, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael E. Roberts, 31, Roxbury, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Edward Roberts, 30, Pearl River, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Donald Walter Robertson, Jr., 35, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Robinson, 38, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michell Lee Jean Robotham, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Donald Arthur Robson, 52, Plandome, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Antonio A. Rocha, 34, East Hanover, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Raymond James Rocha, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Laura Rockefeller, 41, New York City, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

John Michael Rodak, 39, Sewell, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Antonio JosŽ Rodrigues, 35, Port Washington, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Anthony Rodriguez, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Carmen Milagros Rodriguez, 46, Freehold, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Gregory E. Rodriguez, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marsha A. Rodriguez, 41, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mayra Valdes Rodriguez, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Richard Rodriguez, 31, Cliffwood, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

David Bartolo Rodriguez-Vargas, 44, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Matthew Rogan, 37, West Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jean Destrehan RogŽr, 24, Longmeadow, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Karlie Rogers, 26, London, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Scott William Rohner, 22, River Edge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Keith Michael Roma, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., New York Fire Patrol, World Trade Center.

Joseph M. Romagnolo, 37, Coram, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Efrain Romero, Sr., 57, Fine Painting and Decorating Co. Inc., World Trade Center.

Elvin Romero, 34, Old Bridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James A. Romito, 51, Washington Township, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Sean Paul Rooney, 50, Stamford, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Eric Thomas Ropiteau, 24, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Aida Rosario, 42, Jersey City, N.J., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.

Angela Rosario, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark H. Rosen, 45, West Islip, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Brooke David Rosenbaum, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Linda Rosenbaum, 41, Little Falls, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Louis Rosenberg, 26, Teaneck, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Andrew Ira Rosenblum, 45, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joshua M. Rosenblum, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joshua Alan Rosenthal, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Richard David Rosenthal, 50, Fair Lawn, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Philip Martin Rosenzweig, 47, Acton, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Daniel Rosetti, 32, Bloomfield, N.J., Aon Corporation contractor, World Trade Center.

Richard Barry Ross, 58, Newton, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Norman S. Rossinow, 39, Cedar Grove, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Nicholas P. Rossomando, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Craig Rothberg, 39, Old Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Donna Marie Rothenberg, 53, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mark David Rothenberg, 52, Scotch Plains, N.Y., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

James Michael Roux, 43, Portland, Maine, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Nicholas Charles Alexander Rowe, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from UmeVoice Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward V. Rowenhorst, 32, Lake Ridge, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Judy Rowlett, 44, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Timothy Alan Roy, Sr., 36, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Paul G. Ruback, 50, Newburgh, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ronald J. Ruben, 36, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joanne Rubino, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

David M. Ruddle, 31, World Trade Center.

Bart Joseph Ruggiere, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan A. Ruggiero, 30, Plainview, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Adam Keith Ruhalter, 41, Plainview, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gilbert Ruiz, 57, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Robert E. Russell, 52, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Stephen P. Russell, 40, Arverne, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Steven Harris Russin, 32, Randolph, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Thomas Russo, Sr., 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Wayne Alan Russo, 37, Union, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

William R. Ruth, 57, United States Army Reserve, Pentagon.

Edward Ryan, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Joseph Ryan, 45, Princeton Junction, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jonathan Stephan Ryan, 32, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Matthew L. Ryan, 54, Seaford, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Tatiana Ryjova, 36, Regus PLC, World Trade Center.

Christina Sunga Ryook, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thierry Saada, 26, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jason Elazar Sabbag, 26, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Thomas E. Sabella, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Scott H. Saber, 36, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from UBS Warburg, World Trade Center.

Charles E. Sabin, Sr., 54, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Joseph Francis Sacerdote, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jessica Leigh Sachs, 23, Billerica, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Francis John Sadocha, 41, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Jude Elias Safi, 24, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brock Joel Safronoff, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Edward Saiya, 49, Brooklyn, N.Y., Genuity Solutions, World Trade Center.

John Patrick Salamone, 37, North Caldwell, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marjorie C. Salamone, 53, Springfield, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Hernando Rafael Salas, 71, Queens, N.Y., Civilian Complaint Review Board, World Trade Center.

Juan G. Salas, 35, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Esmerlin Antonio Salcedo, 36, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Pepe Salerno, 31, Westfield, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rahma Salie and her unborn child, 28, Boston, Mass., , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Richard L. Salinardi, Jr., 32, Hoboken, N.J., Aramark Corporation, World Trade Center.

Wayne John Saloman, 43, Seaford, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nolbert Salomon, 33, Morgan Stanley contractor, World Trade Center.

Catherine Patricia Salter, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Frank G. Salvaterra, 41, Manhasset, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Paul Richard Salvio, 27, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Samuel Robert Salvo, Jr., 59, Yonkers, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Carlos Alberto Samaniego, 29, Flushing, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John P. Sammartino, 37, Annandale, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

James Kenneth Samuel, Jr., 29, Hoboken, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael San Phillip, 55, Ridgewood, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Hugo M. Sanay, 41, Brooklyn, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Alva Cynthia Jeffries Sanchez, 41, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jacquelyn Patrice Sanchez, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jesus Sanchez, 45, Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Raymond Sanchez, 45, World Trade Center.

Eric M. Sand, 36, Westchester, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Stacey Leigh Sanders, 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Herman S. Sandler, 57, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Jim Sands, Jr., 38, Brick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ayleen J. Santiago, 40, Empire BlueCross BlueShield contractor, World Trade Center.

Kirsten Reese Santiago, 26, Bronx, N.Y., Insurance Overload Systems, World Trade Center.

Maria Theresa Concepcion Santillan, 27, Morris Plains, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Susan Gayle Santo, 24, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Christopher A. Santora, 23, Long Island City, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John August Santore, 49, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Mario L. Santoro, 28, Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Rafael Humberto Santos, 42, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rufino C.F. Santos III, 37, New York City, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Accenture, World Trade Center.

Victor J. Saracini, 51, Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Kalyan K. Sarkar, 53, Westwood, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Chapelle Renee Stewart Sarker, 37, Forest Hills, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Paul F. Sarle, 38, Babylon, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Deepika Kumar Sattaluri, 33, Edison, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wipro Ltd., World Trade Center.

Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Susan M. Sauer, 48, Chicago, Ill., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anthony Savas, 72, Astoria, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Vladimir Savinkin, 21, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Michael Sbarbaro, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David M. Scales, 44, Arlington, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Robert Louis Scandole, 36, Pelham, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michelle Scarpitta, 26, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Dennis Scauso, 46, Dix Hills, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John Albert Schardt, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John G. Scharf, 29, Manorville, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.

Fred C. Scheffold, Jr., 57, Piermont, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Angela Susan Scheinberg, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Scott Mitchell Schertzer, 28, Edison, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sean Schielke, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven Francis Schlag, 41, Franklin Lakes, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert A. Schlegel, 38, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Jon Schlissel, 51, Jersey City, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Karen Helene Schmidt, 42, Bellmore, N.Y., IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Ian Schneider, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas G. Schoales, 27, Stony Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Marisa Dinardo Schorpp, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Frank G. Schott, Jr., 39, Massapequa, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gerard Patrick Schrang, 45, Holbrook, N.Y. and Downsville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Jeffery H. Schreier, 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John T. Schroeder, 31, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Susan Lee Schuler, 55, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Edward W. Schunk, 54, Baldwin, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Evan Schurmeier, 44, McLean, Va., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, World Trade Center.

John Burkhart Schwartz, 49, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Schwartz, 50, West Hempstead, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Adriane Victoria Scibetta, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Raphael Scorca, 61, Beachwood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Janice M. Scott, 46, North Springfield, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Randolph Scott, 48, Stamford, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Christopher Jay Scudder, 34, Monsey, N.Y., En Pointe Technologies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Arthur Warren Scullin, 57, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael H. Seaman, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Margaret M. Seeliger, 34, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Anthony Segarra, 52, Flushing, N.Y., Proven Electric Contracting, World Trade Center, died 11/28/01.

Carlos Segarra, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jason M. Sekzer, 31, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Matthew Carmen Sellitto, 23, New Vernon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael L. Selves, 53, Fairfax, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Howard Selwyn, 47, Hewlett, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Larry John Senko, 34, Yardley, Pa., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Arturo Angelo Sereno, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Frankie Serrano, 23, Elizabeth, N.J., Genuity Solutions, World Trade Center.

Marian H. Serva, 47, Stafford, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Alena Sesinova, 57, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Adele Christine Sessa, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sita Nermalla Sewnarine, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Karen Lynn Seymour, 40, Garban Intercapital, World Trade Center.

Davis Grier Sezna, Jr., 22, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Sgroi, 45, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jayesh Shantilal Shah, 38, Edgewater, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Khalid M. Shahid, 25, Union, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mohammed Shajahan, 41, Spring Valley, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gary Shamay, 23, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Earl Richard Shanahan, 50, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dan F. Shanower, 40, Arlington, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Neil G. Shastri, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald consultant, World Trade Center.

Kathryn Anne Shatzoff, 37, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Barbara A. Shaw, 57, Morris Township, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey James Shaw, 42, Levittown, N.Y., Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.

Robert John Shay, Jr., 27, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel James Shea, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Patrick Shea, 47, Pelham, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kathleen Shearer, 61, Dover, N.H., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Robert M. Shearer, 63, Dover, N.H., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Linda June Sheehan, 40, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Hagay Shefi, 34, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from GoldTier Technologies, World Trade Center.

Antionette M. Sherman, 35, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

John Anthony Sherry, 34, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Atsushi Shiratori, 36, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Joseph Shubert, 43, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mark Shulman, 47, Old Bridge, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

See Wong Shum, 44, Westfield, N.J., New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, World Trade Center.

Allan Abraham Shwartzstein, 37, Pleasantville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Clarin Shellie Siegel-Schwartz, 51, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Johanna Sigmund, 25, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Dianne T. Signer and her unborn child, 32, Middle Village, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gregory Sikorsky, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Gerard Siller, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Silver, 35, New Rochelle, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Craig A. Silverstein, 41, Wyckoff, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Nasima H. Simjee, 37, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Bruce Edward Simmons, 41, Ridgewood, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Diane M. Simmons, 52, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Donald D. Simmons, 58, Dumfries, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

George W. Simmons, 57, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Arthur Simon, 57, Thiells, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael J. Simon, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Joseph Simon, 54, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Marianne Liquori Simone, 62, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Barry Simowitz, 64, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Jane Louise Simpkin, 36, Wayland, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Jeff Lyal Simpson, 38, Woodbridge, Va., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Cheryle D. Sincock, 53, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Khamladai Khami Singh, 25, Woodhaven, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Roshan Ramesh Singh, 21, Queens, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Thomas E. Sinton III, 41, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter A. Siracuse, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Muriel F. Siskopoulos, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph Michael Sisolak, 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John P. Skala, 31, Clifton, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Francis Joseph Skidmore, Jr., 58, Mendham, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Toyena Corliss Skinner, 27, Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.

Paul A. Skrzypek, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher Paul Slattery, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Vincent Robert Slavin, 41, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert F. Sliwak, 42, Wantagh, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Paul Kenneth Sloan, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Stanley S. Smagala, Jr., 36, Holbrook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Wendy L. Small, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregg H. Smallwood, 44, Woodbridge, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Catherine T. Smith, 44, Manahawkin, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daniel Laurence Smith, 47, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Gary F. Smith, 55, Alexandria, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

George Eric Smith, 38, West Chester, Pa., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from SunGard Data Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Heather Lee Smith, 30, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

James Gregory Smith, 43, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey R. Smith, 36, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Joyce Patricia Smith, 55, Springfield Gardens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Karl T. Smith, Sr., 44, Little Silver, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Joseph Smith, 47, Mastic, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Leon Smith, Jr., 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Moira Ann Smith, 38, Queens Village, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Rosemary A. Smith, 61, Staten Island, N.Y., Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP, World Trade Center.

Bonnie Shihadeh Smithwick, 54, Quogue, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Rochelle Monique Snell, 24, Mount Vernon, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.

Christine Ann Snyder, 32, Kailua, Hawaii, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Dianne Bullis Snyder, 42, Westport Point, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Leonard J. Snyder, Jr., 34, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Astrid Elizabeth Sohan, 32, Freehold, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Sushil S. Solanki, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ruben Solares, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Naomi Leah Solomon, 52, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Callixa Corporation, World Trade Center.

Daniel W. Song, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Michael Charles Sorresse, 34, Parsippany, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Fabian Soto, 31, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Timothy Patrick Soulas, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregory Thomas Spagnoletti, 32, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Donald F. Spampinato, Jr., 39, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Sparacio, 35, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

John Anthony Spataro, 32, Mineola, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert W. Spear, Jr., 30, Valley Cottage, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Robert Speisman, 48, Irvington, N.Y., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Maynard S. Spence, Jr., 42, Atlanta, Ga., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

George Edward Spencer III, 50, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Robert Andrew Spencer, 35, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mary Rubina Sperando, 39, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Encompys, World Trade Center.

Frank Spinelli, 44, Short Hills, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

William E. Spitz, 49, Oceanside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Patrick Spor, Jr., 35, Somers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Klaus Johannes Sprockamp, 42, LION Bioscience AG, World Trade Center.

Saranya Srinuan, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Fitzroy St. Rose, 40, Bronx, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Michael F. Stabile, 50, Staten Island, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Lawrence T. Stack, 58, Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Timothy M. Stackpole, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Richard James Stadelberger, 55, Middletown, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Eric Adam Stahlman, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregory Stajk, 46, Long Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Alexandru Liviu Stan, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Corina Stan, 31, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mary Domenica Stanley, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Anthony Starita, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey Stark, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Derek James Statkevicus, 30, Norwalk, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patricia J. Statz, 41, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Craig William Staub, 30, Basking Ridge, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

William V. Steckman, 56, Hempstead, N.Y., WNBC, World Trade Center.

Eric Thomas Steen, 32, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

William R. Steiner, 56, Solebury, Pa., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edna L. Stephens, 53, Capitol Heights, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Andrew J. Stern, 41, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Norma Lang Steuerle, 54, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Martha Jane Stevens, 55, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael James Stewart, 42, New York, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard H. Stewart, Jr., 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sanford M. Stoller, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Accenture, World Trade Center.

Douglas Joel Stone, 54, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Lonny Jay Stone, 43, Bellmore, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jimmy Nevill Storey, 58, Katy, Texas, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Timothy Stout, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas Strada, 41, Chatham, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James J. Straine, Jr., 36, Oceanport, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edward W. Straub, 48, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

George J. Strauch, Jr., 53, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Edward Thomas Strauss, 44, Edison, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.

Steven R. Strauss, 51, Queens, N.Y., Morgan Stanley contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Larry L. Strickland, 52, United States Army, Pentagon.

Steven F. Strobert, 33, Ridgewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Walwyn Wellington Stuart, Jr., 28, Valley Stream, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Benjamin Suarez, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Scott Suarez, 24, Princeton Junction, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Deloitte & Touche LLP, World Trade Center.

Ramon Suarez, 45, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Dino Xavier Suarez Ramirez, 41, Chino Hills, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Yoichi Sumiyama Sugiyama, 34, Fort Lee, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

William Christopher Sugra, 30, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Daniel Thomas Suhr, 37, Rockaway, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Marc Sullins, 30, Glendale, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.

Christopher P. Sullivan, 39, North Massapequa, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Patrick Sullivan, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas G. Sullivan, 38, Kearny, N.J., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Hilario Soriano Sumaya, Jr., 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

James Joseph Suozzo, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Colleen M. Supinski, 27, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Robert Sutcliffe, 39, Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Seline Sutter, 63, New York City, Association of International Recruiters, World Trade Center.

Claudia Suzette Sutton, 34, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Francis Swaine, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kristine M. Swearson, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian David Sweeney, 38, Barnstable, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Brian Edward Sweeney, 29, Merrick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Madeline Amy Sweeney, 35, Acton, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.

Kenneth J. Swenson, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Thomas F. Swift, 30, Jersey City, N.J., Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Derek Ogilvie Sword, 29, New York, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kevin Thomas Szocik, 27, Garden City, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gina Sztejnberg, 52, Ridgewood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Norbert P. Szurkowski, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

Harry Taback, 56, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joann C. Tabeek, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Norma C. Taddei, 64, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Taddonio, 39, Huntington, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Keiichiro Takahashi, 53, Port Washington, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Keiji Takahashi, 42, Tenafly, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Phyllis Gail Talbot, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert R. Talhami, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Talignani, 74, New Port Richey, Fla. and Staten Island, N.Y., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Sean Patrick Tallon, 29, Yonkers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Paul Talty, 40, Wantagh, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Maurita Tam, 22, New York, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Rachel Tamares, 30, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Hector Rogan Tamayo, 51, Holliswood, N.Y., Harris Beach contractor from Vanderbilt Group, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Andrew Tamuccio, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenichiro Tanaka, 52, Rye Brook, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Rhondelle Cherie Tankard, 31, Bermuda, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Michael Anthony Tanner, 44, Secaucus, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dennis Gerard Taormina, Jr., 36, Montville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Joseph Tarantino, 39, Bayonne, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Allan Tarasiewicz, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael C. Tarrou, 38, Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

Ronald Tartaro, 38, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Deborah Tavolarella, 46, Dedham, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Darryl Anthony Taylor, 52, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.

Donnie Brooks Taylor, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Hilda E. Taylor, 58, Forestville, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Kip P. Taylor, 38, United States Army, Pentagon.

Leonard E. Taylor, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Lorisa Ceylon Taylor, 31, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Morgan Taylor, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sandra C. Taylor, 50, Alexandria, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Sandra Dawn Teague, 31, Fairfax, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Karl W. Teepe, 57, Centreville, Va., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.

Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41, Hyde Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Yeshavant Moreshwar Tembe, 59, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Anthony Tempesta, 38, Elizabeth, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Dorothy Pearl Temple, 52, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Stanley L. Temple, 77, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.

David Gustaf Peter Tengelin, 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Brian John Terrenzi, 28, Hicksville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lisa Marie Terry, 42, Oakland Township, Mich., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Goumatie Thackurdeen, 35, Ozone Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Harshad Sham Thatte, 30, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Michael Theodoridis, 32, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Thomas F. Theurkauf, Jr., 44, Stamford, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lesley Anne Thomas, 41, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian Thomas Thompson, 49, Dix Hills, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Clive Ian Thompson, 43, Summit, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Glenn Thompson, 44, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Nigel Bruce Thompson, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Perry A. Thompson, 36, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Vanavah Alexei Thompson, 26, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

William H. Thompson, 51, New York State Unified Court System, World Trade Center.

Eric Raymond Thorpe, 35, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Nichola Angela Thorpe, 22, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Tamara C. Thurman, United States Army, Pentagon.

Sal Edward Tieri, Jr., 40, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

John Patrick Tierney, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Departmet, World Trade Center.

Mary Ellen Tiesi, 38, Jersey City, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

William Randolph Tieste, 54, Harding, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kenneth Tietjen, 31, Matawan, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Edward Tighe, 41, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Scott Charles Timmes, 28, Ridgewood, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael E. Tinley, 56, Dallas, Texas, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer M. Tino, 29, West Caldwell, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Frank Tipaldi, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John James Tipping II, 33, Hauppauge, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Tirado, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Rent-A-PC, World Trade Center.

Hector Luis Tirado, Jr., 30, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michelle Lee Titolo, 34, Lindenhurst, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Alicia Nicole Titus, 28, San Francisco, Calif., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.

John J. Tobin, 47, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Richard J. Todisco, 61, Wyckoff, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Otis V. Tolbert, 38, United States Navy, Pentagon.

Vladimir Tomasevic, 36, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Optus, World Trade Center.

Stephen Kevin Tompsett, 39, Garden City, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Instinet, Inc., World Trade Center.

Thomas Tong, 31, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Doris Torres, 32, Bronx, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center, died 9/16/01.

Luis Eduardo Torres, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Amy Elizabeth Toyen, 24, Newton, Mass., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

Christopher Michael Traina, 25, Brick, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Daniel Patrick Trant, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Abdoul Karim Traore, 40, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Glenn J. Travers, Sr., 53, Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.

Walter Philip Travers, 44, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Felicia Yvette Traylor-Bass, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

James Anthony Trentini, 65, Rowley, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Mary Barbara Trentini, 67, Rowley, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Lisa L. Trerotola, 36, Hazlet, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Karamo Baba Trerra, 40, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from ASAP/NetSource, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Angel Trinidad, 33, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Francis Joseph Trombino, 68, Clifton, N.J., Brinks, Inc., World Trade Center.

Gregory James Trost, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Willie Q. Troy, 51, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

William P. Tselepis, Jr., 33, New Providence, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Zhanetta Valentinovna Tsoy, 32, Jersey City, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Patrick Tucker, 39, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Lance Richard Tumulty, 32, Bridgewater, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Ching Ping Tung, 44, First Commercial Bank, World Trade Center.

Simon James Turner, 39, London, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Donald Joseph Tuzio, 51, Goshen, N.Y., World Trade Center.

Robert T. Twomey, 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer Lynn Tzemis, 26, Staten Island, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

John G. Ueltzhoeffer, 36, Roselle Park, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Tyler Victor Ugolyn, 23, Ridgefield, Conn., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael A. Uliano, 42, Aberdeen, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jonathan J. Uman, 33, Westport, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Anil Shivhari Umarkar, 34, North Hackensack, N.J., Global Dynamic International, World Trade Center.

Allen V. Upton, 44, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Diane Marie Urban, 50, Malverne, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

John Damien Vaccacio, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Bradley Hodges Vadas, 37, Westport, Conn. and New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

William Valcarcel, 54, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Felix Antonio Vale, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Ivan Vale, 27, Ridgewood, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Benito Valentin, 33, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Santos Valentin, Jr., 39, Richmond Hill, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Carlton Francis Valvo II, 38, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Pendyala Vamsikrishna, 30, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Erica H. Van Acker, 62, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kenneth W. Van Auken, 47, East Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

R. Bruce Van Hine, 48, Greenwood Lake, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Daniel M. Van Laere, 46, Glen Rock, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Edward Raymond Vanacore, 29, Jersey City, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Jon Charles Vandevander, 44, Ridgewood, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Frederick T. Varacchi, 35, Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gopalakrishnan Varadhan, 32, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Vargas, 46, Pitney Bowes Inc., World Trade Center.

Scott C. Vasel, 32, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Azael Ismael Vasquez, 21, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.

Ronald J. Vauk, 37, Mount Airy, Md., United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.

Arcangel Vazquez, 47, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Santos Vazquez, 55, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Peter Vega, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Sankara Sastry Velamuri, 63, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Jorge Velazquez, 47, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.

Lawrence G. Veling, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Anthony Mark Ventura, 41, Middletown, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

David Vera, 41, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Loretta Ann Vero, 51, Nanuet, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Christopher James Vialonga, 30, Demarest, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Matthew Gilbert Vianna, 23, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Robert Anthony Vicario, 40, Weehawken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor, World Trade Center.

Celeste Torres Victoria, 41, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

Joanna Vidal, 26, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

John T. Vigiano II, 36, West Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Vincent Vigiano, 34, Medford, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Frank J. Vignola, Jr., 44, Merrick, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Joseph Barry Vilardo, 42, Stanhope, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Claribel Villalobos Hernandez, 31, Woodside, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Sybase, World Trade Center.

Sergio Gabriel Villanueva, 33, Flushing, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Chantal Vincelli, 38, New York, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.

Melissa RenŽe Vincent, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.

Francine Ann Virgilio, 48, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lawrence Virgilio, 38, Sunnyside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Joseph Gerard Visciano, 22, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joshua S. Vitale, 28, Great Neck, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Maria Percoco Vola, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Lynette D. Vosges, 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Garo H. Voskerijian, 43, Valley Stream, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alfred Anton Vukosa, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Gregory Kamal Bruno Wachtler, 25, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Karen J. Wagner, 40, Richmond, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Mary Alice Wahlstrom, 78, Kaysville, Utah, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Honor Elizabeth Wainio, 27, Watchung, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Gabriela Silvina Waisman, 33, Rego Park, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Sybase, World Trade Center.

Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Courtney Wainsworth Walcott, 37, New Jersey, IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Victor Wald, 49, New York City, Avalon Partners, Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth E. Waldie, 46, Methuen, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Benjamin James Walker, 41, Suffern, N.Y., Guy Carpenter & Company, World Trade Center.

Glen Wall, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Mitchel Scott Wallace, 34, Mineola, N.Y., New York State Unified Court System, World Trade Center.

Peter Guyder Wallace, 66, Lincoln Park, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Robert Francis Wallace, 43, Woodhaven, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Roy Michael Wallace, 42, Wyckoff, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeanmarie Wallendorf, 23, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Matthew Blake Wallens, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Meta L. Waller, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

John Wallice, Jr., 43, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Barbara P. Walsh, 59, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jim Walsh, 37, Scotch Plains, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey P. Walz, 37, Tuckahoe, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ching Wang, 59, First Commercial Bank, World Trade Center.

Weibin Wang, 41, Orangeburg, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Michael Warchola, 51, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Stephen Gordon Ward, 33, Gorham, Maine, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Timothy Ray Ward, 38, San Diego, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

James A. Waring, 49, Bayside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian G. Warner, 32, Annandale, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Derrick Christopher Washington, 33, Calverton, N.Y., Verizon Communications, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles Waters, 44, Bethpage, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

James Thomas Waters, Jr., 39, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Patrick J. Waters, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Kenneth Thomas Watson, 39, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Michael Henry Waye, 38, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Todd Christopher Weaver, 30, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Walter Edward Weaver, 30, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.

Nathaniel Webb, 56, Jersey City, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Dinah Webster, 50, Port Washington, N.Y., Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.

William Michael Weems, 46, Marblehead, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.

Joanne Flora Weil, 39, New York City, Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.

Michael T. Weinberg, 34, Maspeth, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Steven Weinberg, 41, Baseline Financial Services, World Trade Center.

Scott Jeffrey Weingard, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Steven George Weinstein, 50, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Simon Weiser, 65, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

David M. Weiss, 41, New Hampton, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

David Thomas Weiss, 50, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Chin Sun Pak Wells, 24, Woodbridge, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Vincent Michael Wells, 22, Essex, England, United Kingdom, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Deborah Jacobs Welsh, 49, New York City, Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.

Timothy Matthew Welty, 34, Yonkers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers, 42, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Callixa Corporation, World Trade Center.

Ssu-Hui Wen, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Joseph Wenckus, 46, Torrance, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Oleh D. Wengerchuk, 56, Centerport, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.

Peter M. West, 54, Pottersville, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Whitfield West, Jr., 41, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Meredith Lynn Whalen, 23, Hoboken, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Eugene Michael Whelan, 31, Belle Harbor, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Adam S. White, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Edward James White III, 30, Woodside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

James Patrick White, 34, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

John Sylvester White, 48, Palm Bay, Fla., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Wilburn White, Jr., 50, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.

Leonard Anthony White, 57, Brooklyn, N.Y., Verizon Communications, Inc., World Trade Center.

Malissa Y. White, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Maudlyn A. White, 38, United States Army, Pentagon.

Sandra L. White, 44, Montclair, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Wayne White, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Leanne Marie Whiteside, 31, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Mark P. Whitford, 31, Salisbury Mills, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Leslie A. Whittington, 45, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Michael T. Wholey, 34, Westwood, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.

Mary Lenz Wieman, 43, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jeffrey David Wiener, 33, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

William J. Wik, 44, Yonkers, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Alison Marie Wildman, 30, Martinsville, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Glenn E. Wilkinson, 46, Bayport, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Ernest M. Willcher, 62, North Potomac, Md., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.

John Charles Willett, 29, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Brian Patrick Williams, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Candace Lee Williams, 20, Dorchester, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Crossley Richard Williams, Jr., 28, Long Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

David J. Williams, 34, Bronx, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.

David Lucian Williams, 32, Springfield, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Debbie L. Williams, 35, Hoboken, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Dwayne Williams, 40, Lorton, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.

Kevin Michael Williams, 24, Shoreham, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Louie Anthony Williams, 44, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.

Louis Calvin Williams III, 53, Mandeville, La., Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.

John P. Williamson, 46, Warwick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Donna Ann Wilson, 48, Williston Park, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

William Eben Wilson, 58, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

David Harold Winton, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Glenn J. Winuk, 40, New York City, Jericho Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Thomas Francis Wise, 43, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Alan L. Wisniewski, 47, Howell, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Frank Paul Wisniewski, 54, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

David Wiswall, 54, Massapequa, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Sigrid Charlotte Wiswe, 41, New York City, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Michael R. Wittenstein, 34, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Christopher W. Wodenshek, 35, Ridgewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Martin Phillips Wohlforth, 47, Greenwich, Conn., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Katherine Susan Wolf, 40, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Jennifer Yen Wong, 26, Whitestone, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Siucheung Steve Wong, 34, Jersey City, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Yin Ping Wong, 34, New York, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Yuk Ping Wong, 47, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.

Brent James Woodall, 31, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

James John Woods, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Marvin Roger Woods, 57, United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.

Patrick J. Woods, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.

Richard Herron Woodwell, 44, Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

David Terence Wooley, 54, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John Bentley Works, 36, Darien, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.

Martin Michael Wortley, 29, Park Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Rodney James Wotton, 36, Middletown, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

William Wren, Ret., 61, Lynbrook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

John W. Wright, Jr., 33, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.

Neil Robin Wright, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Sandra Lee Wright, 57, Pennsylvania, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Jupiter Yambem, 41, Beacon, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

John D. Yamnicky, Sr., 71, Waldorf, Md., , Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Suresh Yanamadala, 33, Plainsboro, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.

Vicki Yancey, 44, Springfield, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Shuyin Yang, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Matthew David Yarnell, 26, Jersey City, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.

Myrna Yaskulka, 59, Staten Island, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.

Shakila Yasmin, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Olabisi Shadie Layeni Yee, 38, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.

Kevin W. Yokum, 27, Washington, D.C., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Edward P. York, 45, Wilton, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Kevin Patrick York, 41, Princeton, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Raymond R. York, 45, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.

Suzanne Martha Youmans, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.

Barrington Leroy Young, Jr., 35, Rosedale, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.

Donald McArthur Young, 41, Virginia Beach, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.

Edmond G. Young, Jr., 22, Owings, Md., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.

Jacqueline Young, 47, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Lisa L. Young, 37, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.

Elkin Yuen, 32, Flushing, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Joseph C. Zaccoli, 39, Valley Stream, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Adel Agayby Zakhary, 50, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Arkady Zaltsman, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, World Trade Center.

Edwin J. Zambrana, Jr., 24, Staten Island, N.Y., Project Renewal, World Trade Center.

Robert Alan Zampieri, 30, Jersey City, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.

Mark Zangrilli, 36, Pompton Plains, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from AXA, World Trade Center.

Christopher R. Zarba, Jr., 47, Hopkinton, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.

Ira Zaslow, 55, Long Island, N.Y., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., World Trade Center.

Kenneth Albert Zelman, 36, Succasunna, N.J., Marsh & McLennan contractor from Oracle Corporation, World Trade Center.

Abraham J. Zelmanowitz, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.

Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl, 22, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.

Zhe Zeng, 28, Bank of New York, World Trade Center.

Marc Scott Zeplin, 33, Westchester, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Jie Yao Justin Zhao, 27, New York City, CompuCom Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Yuguang Zheng, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.

Ivelin Ziminski, 41, Tarrytown, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Michael Joseph Zinzi, 37, Newfoundland, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Charles Alan Zion, 54, Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.

Julie Lynne Zipper, 44, Paramus, N.J., Sandler O'Neill visitor from SunGard Data Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.

Salvatore J. Zisa, 45, Hawthorne, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.

Prokopios Paul Zois, 46, Lynbrook, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.

Joseph J. Zuccala, 54, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.

Andrew Steven Zucker, 27, Riverdale, N.Y., Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.

Igor Zukelman, 29, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.